Okay, I said I was going to watch the show before offering my - TopicsExpress


Okay, I said I was going to watch the show before offering my opinion… 1. Being a black kid growing up in Edwardsville I can COMPLETELY understand the concept of relating more to the “white” experience BUT it will NEVER be okay to turn my nose up at those blacks that didn’t. That doesn’t make me BETTER and it damn sure doesn’t warrant the right to get on TV and ACT A FOOL! 2. Anisha’s opening segment really turned me off. Her stereotypes about “gold chains” and “Project/Good Times Black vs. Cosby Black” further perpetuated the NEGATIVE stereotypes of black people… It further BAFFLED me that her choice in men were in NO WAY a reflection of the life she claims to have for herself! Also, her claims of not knowing how to navigate the projects were clearly FALSE considering her “BAE” (a term I learned from Scott’s 15 year old sister LAST YEAR) owns a store where they “buy gold” and sell purses and scented oils! Us non - affluent folks call that a CORNER STORE! 3. It seemed a bit oxymoronic to me that these “affluent” folks would knowingly title their show BAPS considering it’s the complete antithesis of the well known film … Two of the women work in Marketing and should KNOW better! 4. If you’re going to say that you are “affluent” (and that is your premise) how about you NOT butcher the King’s English, learn to actually use your words instead of insulting one another and use ghetto colloquialisms like “Bae” and SPIT in another woman’s face! 5. The fact that they are claiming this lifestyle as a birthright downright PISSES ME OFF! It is my option that those blacks that have WORKED to get where they are and remained HUMBLE are the real royals in the grand scheme of things. 6. I don’t understand how a group of educated women allowed themselves to even be portrayed in a light that casts them in the same realm as the rest of reality TV. If I’m going to watch women arguing, fighting and spitting I’ll stick to VH1 where the women aren’t claiming to be more than what they are.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:31:19 +0000

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