Okay. I think Ive calmed down enough to address this POS letter I - TopicsExpress


Okay. I think Ive calmed down enough to address this POS letter I got in the mail today. No return address, typed and unsigned: Kim - You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. In regard to your experiences with me - just consider that MAYBE they are all rich (horrors)! If you come into a relationship DEMANDING that they conform to you and your lifestyle (sometimes letting them know this even before going out with them), dont you think that MAYBE that might scare them off? Possibly if they got to know you first (without the dog conversation) they might come to love you. You have a great personality and are beautiful and smart. Capitalize on that aspect of your life - not just on your dogs. Try not being one-dimensional. Develop other hobbies (art, reading club, volunteer at a school or hospital, etc.) You might even meet someone who shares those interests. Try being feminine (men love that) and listen to them. Smile and dont talk. Also consider (this in not blasphemy) getting rid of some of your dogs. One dog is plenty for any one person. Believe it or not, they are not human. They are dogs. One dog would benefit from a one-on-one relationship with their owner rather than 4 dogs. Plus they are expensive. You cant sire them out or make money showing them - it costs money. Men think about these things also. No. Dont throw this in the trash can. Think about it! You are loved. Well, whoever you are, you bastard, youve got my attention. If this is from a family member, at least have the balls to have a face to face conversation instead of this indirect criticism of how I live my live. Or better yet, get off my Facebook page and leave me the hell alone. How dare you!!! Oh. And, since I cant underline on fb, the CAPS were where whoever this mean-spirited person underlined their typing. god, Im PISSED!!!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:16:32 +0000

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