Okay, Im going on a tear America. How many of you have seen the - TopicsExpress


Okay, Im going on a tear America. How many of you have seen the movie Sergeant York? Sergeant Alvin C. York went to war because he was made to realize that as a Christian, you cannot simply sit by so that the ungodly can go to war to defend your right to Worship God in your own way, and for that matter, not to worship at all. That being said, America, Dont you think it is time that you said, Enough is enough? Little by little they have removed God from our daily discourse, and this is one patriot, one red blooded American boy that says, Enough is Enough. Ive had it. Say, Bruce, you have to be loving and kind. no, youre missing how this country works. Wanta talk about how as Christians we are expected to obey the law of the land? Okay, part of the law of This Grand and Glorious, God-Blessed land, is a little thing called the Freedom of Worship. You libs out there rant and rave about a separation of Church and State. This does not appear in our Constitution but it does appear in the writings of Vladamir Lenin from, I think 1918, and in the Soviet Constitution adopted in 1936. We expelled God from our schools (not so much in Alaska). We have expelled Him from our public places. They have turned everything around backwards to the point that anything having to do with God is considered evil and anything lascivious, perverted, or just plain crass is praised. People, you want to be like France? Well, baby, youve made it. Were almost there. But one thing is sure, as Thomas Jefferson said and as I often quote, Indeed, I tremble for my country when I recall that God is a just God and that His Justice cannot sleep forever. America, on a daily basis you shake your fist at God. On a daily basis, you lay your middle finger between Gods Holy Eyes and dare Him to do anything about it. Well, you are reaping the fruit you have sewn. Theres a reason why our national debt just reached $18 trillion and the Godless Chinese have overtaken and passed us as the number one economy on earth. Stay tuned. Theres more to come, and it isnt good. But I cheated. I looked in the back of The Book and I know how it ends.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:14:04 +0000

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