Okay... Im making a statement here in the light of my posts about - TopicsExpress


Okay... Im making a statement here in the light of my posts about Mrs. Mary Karol Matchetts dissertation paper. There are few things Id like to share... and you may share it away too. 1) I do not know Mrs. Mary Karol Matchett personally but have met her few times around Rochester, NY. 2) I am not attacking her as a person. I am pointing out her whiteness, her white privilege in doing a paper about deaf black people. 3) I am pointing out her focus on black deaf students, and why not other POCs that couldve been used 4) I am angry ABOUT her paper for the following reasons: - No where in her dissertation does she disclose her race, and the risk for bias to happen within her paper -No where in her paper does she explain that this was done with a team of other black professionals or had a black professional work with her. It is HER paper alone. -Her paper perpetuates the idea that deaf black students have split personalities in which enables others to think that we, black deaf students need the help of white people to make decisions for us. -Her paper offers strategies in how to counter the lack of help for deaf black students, but fails to understand the true perspective of a deaf black person -her paper is akin to how hearing teachers or interpreters work with deaf people but dont interact with them. If she truly did, then her paper would have reflected otherwise. -her paper does not reflect the deaf black community at large, and does not show in-depth understanding of the deaf black community at all. -Her paper shows us that we deaf black people are weak. We cant succeed in life. We cant rise above ourselves to attain our dreams, and more and that white colleges is too difficult for us to handle. This is bad because it enables deaf schools across the nation to place deaf black students in special needs class or in classes that are remedial, or vocational rather than college-bound classes. No wonder why many black deaf students struggle today as opposed to white deaf students. Those are the factors that Im basing her paper on. She exerted her white privileges. I would have accepted her paper if it was written by a black person - not a white person. I would have accepted her paper if she had teamed up with a black DEAF professional. Before anyone comments, Dr. Jeanine Dingus-Eason is a black woman, and she is NOT deaf herself. Being black alone is different than being DEAF and BLACK. Next time you want to attack me for attacking a person.. UNPACK your white privileges, and look from the eyes of a person of color. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:26:15 +0000

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