Okay My Facebook Sunshines! We need YOUR help to make this - TopicsExpress


Okay My Facebook Sunshines! We need YOUR help to make this ZUmbathon a huge success! If you cant attend, please consider donating (link below). If you cant donate, please consider sharing it on your page for others to see! Im hoping that every Zumba Instructor in San Diego would share this with their students and that every Zumba student would share it with your friends! Its a great cause. Thank you. Mimi WHAT IS THIS EVENT FOR? A letter from the host Diane Yuskin ... Last December 14th, Avielle Richman was tragically killed along side 26 of her friends, first grade classmates and teachers in Newtown CT. That day, Sandy Hook filled our hearts with anguish as many of us thought, I cant imagine what those parents must be going through. But we can imagine. What some may not know is that the Richmans were part of our San Diego community before work and hope for a better life took them to CT. I had the pleasure of working with both of Avielles parents, Jenn and Jeremy and their easy laughter and genuine kindness drew me in; we became friends. When I heard about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School and found out that their little “Avi” was one of the victims I was paralyzed with grief. What can I do? I kept asking myself over and over- as we all do in such situations. I had no answer. Almost immediately Jenn and Jeremy took action. They were going to leave Avielle a legacy, something positive to honor their daughter. The Avielle Foundation is that legacy. The focus goes right to the heart of the matter - why do people engage in harmful behaviors? What is it about their brain that is different? What could have we done as a community to recognize it? That is the two pronged focus of the foundation: brain health research and community building. The overarching goal is to reduce violence and protect the vulnerable. What can I do? The Avielle Foundation gave me an answer! I am a Zumba Fitness instructor and as part of the Zumba community, we are great at throwing fundraisers – it’s what we do! The Zumbathon for the Avielle Foundation was born. This is where I need your help. The Zumbathon is a 2 hour dance party lead by 8 local San Diego instructors and includes a vendor show, silent auction, giveaways, photo booth and more. 100% of the event proceeds will go directly to the Avielle Foundation. I am trying to make this a sell out event (350 tickets is my goal). If there is any way that you could help me introduce the community to Avielle and let them know about our event, I would be so grateful! Here is the link for both ticket purchase and /or donations: https://wepay/events/zumbathon-for-the-avielle-foundation The Avielle Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)3 tax-exempt and non-profit charitable organization so all donations are tax deductible
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:40:04 +0000

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