Okay here are the Fitquest trainers basic tips on - TopicsExpress


Okay here are the Fitquest trainers basic tips on nutrition: Fat taste so nice so when those food giants remove the fat, they have to make it tasty again - so guess what, in goes sugar or even worse artificial sweeteners (chemical warfare). Without fat you cannot absorb vitamin ADE and K (fat soluble vits). Therefore avoid anything which is labelled low fat etc. From our studies/qualifications fat is not what is causing our obesity crisis, it is sugar and its freakin everywhere. Sugar causes spikes (highs and then lows). So for example, if you wake and have orange juice and Special K - you are getting a mammoth sugar hit (approx 9 tsps) which only lasts for a short term, you then reach for another snack/coffee and the cycle continues. Sugar is addictive and the chemical released from sugar travels the same pathways in the brain as cocaine and heroine. Dopamine is the pleasure chemical released in substance abuse, it makes you feels instantly better (‘high’). A with substance abuse, over time you’ll need to up your sugar to get the same buzz! Sugar is vastly associated with type II diabetes - why? I will try to explain as simply as I can (I hope I am not losing you, cus this is heavy shit!). Eating sugar, produces insulin. Insulin carries sugar out of the blood and gets stored in the liver and muscles. Over time the body becomes less responsive to insulin and eventually stops responding (have you heard of insulin resistant?) this crudely equates to diabetes type II. So beware of hidden sugars and sweeteners (processed foods, low fat yoghurts, fizzy drinks, bought smoothies, orange juices, fruit (natural sugars), white bread, white rice, pasta etc. So, how can you eat to be healthy and trim? Simples - like our ancestors did and live by the 80%/20% mantra. Eat clean for 80% of your day/week and have some treats - 20%(try to make them decent ones - so if you like chocolate replace cadburys with organic 80% coco chocolate). Eat decent protein with every meal and not those water inflated, hormone/antibiotic busting fat knacker chickens you see in our large stores - 3 for a tenner - WTF is that all about??? Never skip meals and start the day with a balanced brekkie (porridge, full fat organic milk, blueberries and mixed nuts = PERFECT). The old adage - eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a Pauper at dinner works at treat! Replace white carbs (bread, rice, pasta) with wholemeal ones and eat in moderation. Cook from scratch, it really doesnt take long and if you are busy cook in bulk (thats my trick). Try to experiment and not be afraid of new concepts. Research, good advice is out there. Try to buy the best ingredients you can afford and be adventurous. Sleep is also important for weight loss, the hormone cortisol (wake up hormone) needs to be high in the morning to get you out of your pit and low at night to make you sleep. Have you ever noticed that shift workers can be overweight - could be cortisol levels are confused) Eat a well balanced plate, including loads of vegetables. Make sure your plate of food is colourful, try to eat in season and buy local produce. Exercise is great for us - so nail that too. However fit or unfit you are, there is something out there for you and your current fitness is only temporary. Hope this helps. Lou Bin margarine, low fat mayo etc. Eat pulses, vegetables, try to refrain from meat everyday and most importantly enjoy your food and love your treats.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:52:49 +0000

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