Okay, here it goes, things you may/may not know about me: #1 I - TopicsExpress


Okay, here it goes, things you may/may not know about me: #1 I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! I would play Christmas music year round if Justin would let me. LOL! Seriously, I have it playing right now. My radio station will be turned to Christmas music on Thanksgiving night. I own several Christmas cds. I also love decorating for Christmas. I love the excitement in the childrens eyes when they see Santa. I love getting to see family members that I havent seen in awhile. I love that everyone makes a point to spend time together during the holiday. And I love my Mammaws Christmas dinner. #2 Justin and I met at Connors State College our freshman year. We were both on the livestock judging team. We dated for almost four years before we were married. #3 I am a daddys girl. Always have been, always will be. Dont get me wrong, I love my Momma, but I am daddys girl. I love being outdoors and working with the animals instead of cooking, cleaning, and ironing. (Unfortunately no one in my house likes cooking or cleaning either, so my house is normally a wreck) #4 I have two brothers, one is two years younger than me (i wont tell you his age cause then youll know mine, lol) and the youngest one is 19. #5 I started showing livestock at age 8. My first animal was a york pig. I showed lambs, calves and pigs. My favorite was sheep. I retained my ewe lambs for breeding purposes and when Justin and I were married our sheep herds merged. #6 McCurtain County is where I was raised and will always be my home. McCurtain County is located in southeastern Oklahoma, it is bordered by Arkansas and Texas. The people in this county remind me of Little House on the Prairie. They are good people that help their neighbors without asking, always greet you when they see you, and are dependable when called upon. #8 I grew up in a small town called Battiest. It is located in the sticks as Justin refers to it. There is one paved road leading into my home town. There are several dirt roads leading to and from but unless you are familiar with the territory or you have been given a good set of directions, you probably cant find your way on the log roads. #7 My high school graduating class had 12 students. #8 I love spending time with my husband and two girls. I love going to livestock shows and going on livestock buying trips with Justin. I know I drag the girls many miles sometimes looking for livestock or going to a show, but it is QUALITY FAMILY time. I wouldnt have it any other way. #9 I treasure my friendships and family. I would do anything for any of them....anything legal. I am blessed to have each and everyone of them in my life and I try to not take that for granted. Life is short, we are only here for a little while, so I try to make the most of everyday. #10 My Granny passed away in 2000. I miss her every day. I wish that she was here to see my daughters. As selfish as that is, I am happy knowing that she is in Heaven and no longer suffering in this world. #11 My Grandpa ministered our wedding ceremony. #12 Last but not least.....As Brother David would say, I got plugged into a local church last year and am now a member of First Baptist Church Wainwright. Not only have I become a Christian and have been baptized, but my daughter Jana has been baptized as well. God is Good!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 16:58:32 +0000

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