Okay...no more thinking for the night. I was given the number 17 - TopicsExpress


Okay...no more thinking for the night. I was given the number 17 by Ang Channell for more random things about myself. So here goes and I will give it a try. I will only give you a number if you feel you have been neglected and actually request one. Otherwise liking my status will get you nothing. 17) From the time I was about 11 until the time I graduated high school I regularly wrote actual letters sent through the mail to pen-pals all over the world. I think at my high point I had over 100 at the same time. Some of them I am still in touch with on Facebook. 16) Unlike the last two lists I have compiled, this one is a countdown. 15) I took about three weeks worth of ballet classes when I was in 3rd grade and quit. 14) I also took tennis lessons for awhile, and while I would not consider myself good by any means I can say that I dont completely suck. I just dont move fast enough to get back and forth across the court. 13) My birthday falls on the anniversary of D-Day...I argue that this explains my interest in the history of WWII. 12) When I was in elementary school I was so good at presidential trivia that I was not allowed to play in the annual 5th grade presidential trivia challenge because whichever team I was on would have had an unfair advantage. Instead I got to write the questions and be the moderator. 11) I used to go roller skating every Friday night, Saturday afternoon and evening and sometimes on Sunday afternoons as well. I kicked butt at the limbo on skates. 10) I also used to dominate the bear claw machine at the roller rink...I would normally come home with 5+ prizes every session. And that doesnt count the things I would win for other people. 9) I bowled my first 200 game when I was 10 years old. 8) Nobody makes a better gooey butter cake than my mom Barbara Crain. There is no question about this. Simple fact! 7) I wish I could be fluent in another language. I have conversational and some reading ability in 3: Spanish, French and German. I can say a variation of the f word in Spanish, English (obviously), German, Italian and Turkish. Never knew it in French. 6) Sometimes I randomly tweet in German. 5) My favorite concrete from Ted Drewes is the chocolate chip concrete. I rarely get anything else when I go there. 4) My very first car was a Mercury Sable that I drove for about 2 months. And then I got a Ford Tempo that I had until I graduated high school. 3) My worst softball injury was when I got run over by a player from another team and cracked my nose. The bump is still there. I was upset because it was the first inning of the game and I had to leave and go to the ER. 2) Related to softball, I was involved in all aspects of the game when I was a teenager...I played, I was a nationally certified coach (youngest in the US at the time), and I was a professional umpire who did nationally qualifying tournaments. 1) I have what my mom calls my presidential bucket list...I want to see all the sites related to the presidents. So far I have seen sites related to: Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor (grave only), Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Benjamin Harrison, Taft (grave only), Wilson, Hoover, FDR, Truman, Kennedy (grave only) and thats it I think. Although I feel like Im missing one or two. Finally done. Now off to bed for a few hours. No more numbers for me. Thats as random as I get. P.S. I love roller coasters.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:46:25 +0000

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