Okay, so I was nominated by my sister to write 3 positives or - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I was nominated by my sister to write 3 positives or things I am thankful for each of the next 5 days. This is definitely easier than the ice bucket challenge! Here goes: 1. My family. Ever since I was a young kid, family has been at the center of everything. I have so many fond memories of my time growing up and the times we spent together. As a get older I find myself wanting even more time with them. I am so proud when people talk about the way that we are with each other and how they envy our relationships. I could write a book about all the specific things that my family has done to impact my life. My siblings and parents are all within a 5 mile radius of each other and despite the fact that we all lead busy lives that do not allow us to see each other as much as we all would like, I know that we all are there for each other and look so forward to the next time we get to be together. 2. Teaching. I am blessed to have the opportunity to help motivate and shape the lives of the young people I see everyday. Although, like all jobs, it has it moments of struggle, annoyance and frustration, it is my true passion and I am so thankful that I get to do it everyday. I have often thought about other ventures, but my heart is and always will be in education in one way or another. 3. My wife. I am so thankful for taking a random motorcycle ride one beautiful fall day in 2007 and having fate take its course. I met Jenn and two other beauties that day :) Jenn has challenged, motivated, supported... me from the time we met and continues to amaze me with her passion and energy for life. She is constantly on the go and finding time to help just about everyone. She raises 3, about to be 4 children, while juggling a busy schedule of hair, a new business with Rodan and Fields, volunteering at school and countless other roles. I love hearing people talk about her and how much she means to them. I am so proud and thankful to call her my wife and best friend. Day one is done :)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:17:59 +0000

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