Okay, so. . . this is a heavy topic of discussion, but very - TopicsExpress


Okay, so. . . this is a heavy topic of discussion, but very relevant for the time period we are living in: Ecumenical Unity. For some of us, ecumenical unity may seem like a fancy theological term. But from what I understand, it can mean two things: 1) The organized attempt to bring cooperation and unity between Christian denominations, or; 2) The organized attempt to bring cooperation and unity between Catholics and non-Catholic Christians. I wanted to discuss the second meaning: The organized attempt to encourage cooperation and unity between Catholics and non-Catholic Christians. In different corners of the church world, many religious leaders are trying to convince non-Catholic Christians to embrace Catholicism as just another Christian denomination and hold hands in unity with the Catholic church. This sort of unity is not of God and is not Biblical, because the Catholic church teaches a false gospel and a false jesus who mediates alongside a false mary who appears to people and gives false revelations. The Catholic church also exalts an earthly leader (the pope) to the place of God, which is antiChrist and flagrant idolatry. To unite with such a religion, would be to unite with falsehood, paganism, and apostasy. 2 Corinthians 6 speaks against this, because it forbids us from being unequally yoked with people who worship false gods. The unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17, is not unity with other religions, but unity with Him and the Father and unity with fellow Christians who believe in the true Gospel. This is the unity of the Spirit which we maintain in the bond of peace. Without the true Jesus Christ and the true Gospel, there is no true peace, and no true unity of the Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of TRUTH (John 14:17; John 16:13). Those who worship the Father must worship Him in Spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:24). Jesus said that He is the Truth (John 14:6). Can we see that *truth* is a part of Gods nature? Without the truth, it is simply another god and another spirit seducing people into religious deception. Brethren, please do not compromise the Gospel and the truth of Gods word to unite with any religious group or movement. Jesus would never lure us away from the truth of His word to hold hands with any religion or belief-system. The push for ecumenical unity is very seductive, because it plays on our love for Catholics and our desire for unity. Love for Catholics is good, but only if we are loving them by treating them with dignity, praying for their salvation, and sharing the true Gospel with them without compromise. Unity is good, but only if it is unity with the Father, His Son, and those who believe the true Gospel and the true Jesus. There are Catholics who are very kind, sincere, charitable and have great zeal for God. But like the Jews that Paul wrote about -- their zeal is not based on true knowledge of Jesus. They dont understand that God does not make us right with Him through religious works, be it the works of the law of Moses or Catholic sacraments -- but by FAITH in the Person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ. In the Catholic church, justification by faith is buried beneath traditions, sacraments, false teachings, false revelations, and the veneration of idols. What little sound doctrine they do have, is undermined and usurped by all of the heresy and idolatry. The video below is an example of ecumenical unity. But please know that this issue is not exclusive to the word of faith movement. It has infected many areas of the church world, including those corners of the church that take great pride in their orthodox theology and revere leaders of the Protestant Reformation. https://youtube/watch?v=kb5Kp3HSMuc
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:40:26 +0000

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