Okay this is just how I feel and I know that once again I am going - TopicsExpress


Okay this is just how I feel and I know that once again I am going to ruffle some feathers but here it goes anyway. There seems to be an entitlement group in the country that is not only tolerated but encouraged. Before I go further let me say that I am a veteran of the US Army and was deployed Central America in 1986 which at that time was a “hot spot” in those days. Praise God I never fired a shot but was close enough to hear the noise of the battle not that far away from my position. Having said that I volunteered to “serve” and was paid for my service. I received the GI Bill, GI loan for my first house, medical benefits, Life insurance and many other things. It was not just my job but my duty to fulfill my obligation to the contract that I signed to our country. My father served in the Navy during the Korean conflict. He was proud to serve and did so with honor and dignity. He too was paid for his service receiving many of the same benefits as I. When he and I both were finished with our service, we returned home and raised our families and enjoyed the freedom that this country has to offer to live free and pursue our happiness. It seems that as the years go by, we are seeing and or hearing more and more slobbering over our men and women in uniform. You can’t have a holiday, of any kind anymore without hearing about veterans. Not only that but the word hero is plastered to anyone that currently or formerly wore a uniform. Veterans day is for veterans Memorial Day if for those who have fallen in battle. Why must we turn every holiday into Veterans Day. As a result it seems that there has developed an entitlement mentality among veterans. I heard a guy at work the other day that wanted special treatment above other employees, simply because he was a veteran. I hear my fellow veterans throw up the fact that they have served as if that will give them a special privilege in a disagreement and that somehow because they were a veteran that their opinion mattered more even though they were dead wrong. Don’t misunderstand me. I appreciate our military and all that they do to keep us safe and protect our way of life. It just seems to me that our older veterans, most of which have passed on, went to war, did their duty in humility, and came home to enjoy the freedom they fought for and moved on with life. They didn’t expect special privileges, the fact that they knew that they did their duty with honor and integrity was its own reward. Do we thank the truck driver that takes his life into his own hands every day on the road? What about the coal miner that goes deep into the earth never knowing if he will see the light of day again? What about people that truly “Serve” without compensation. The people who volunteer their time and talents to make the world around them a little bit better and don’t want any accolades at all. There are people that will give there last dime to you if you need it who go completely unnoticed. They continue to struggle to help, with very little support in their effort to pull people, literally out of hell on earth. Why are there 100,000 children that need to be adopted and over 300,000 churches? Because in my humble opinion. People have forgotten what it really means to SERVE, without thank you, without compensation, without looking for any earthly reward whatsoever. With all respect, just some food for thought OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS SHOULD BE POSTED ON YOUR PAGE.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 03:42:42 +0000

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