Okay...time to come clean... Some people are getting VERY carried - TopicsExpress


Okay...time to come clean... Some people are getting VERY carried away with the religious posting I put out this morning... and some of you are getting downright angry. Im getting bombarded with IMs about this. Ive also received several phone calls and a few emails too. Apparently, many of you havent checked the date or remembered that I am a comedian. What better April Fools Day gag could there be than to take something that is so incredibly opposite of who I am and so incredibly over the top that it would seem absurd and ridiculous and put that out there? BTW, my backup plan was to announce I was going to become a conservative Democrat... Im sure that would have evoked the same response... Well, a lot of you didnt see that and took what I wrote very seriously... I dont know whether or not to take that as a complement to my writing ability and the fact that more of you care about me than I possibly thought, or as a reminder that you cant believe everything you read on the internet... I will tell you the one thing that I did get out of this experience more than anything else, and thats the fact that so many of you really do care about me. Funny how people dont mention that to one another more openly. I try to do it on a regular basis, but most dont. The fact that many of you did write so beautifully in your posts about this mattering to you comes not only as a shock, but at a very important time for me. Ive been very down and feeling like nobody gives a crap about me. Maybe now some of you wont feel that same caring anymore and that would be sad. It bothers me but also raises the question of how much would someone truly care about another person if a joke that offended them ended their caring? Id like to think that peoples compassion is a little more rooted and real than that. But people will be people and thats a personal decision I guess. There were a LOT of you who saw right through it and knew it was a joke right away. I got a TON of IMs from people who thought it was really funny because it was so far over the top and absurd and wondered how anyone who really knew me and what I believe and stand for would believe a single word of it... And especially on April Fools Day when FB is LOADED with crazy stuff like this all over the place that people are writing. So bottom line here is this: If you were offended, Im truly sorry and hope you will forgive me for hurting your feelings. It wasnt my intent to belittle anyones religion or to offend anyone. It was my intent to do what Ive always done...to inform and to entertain; to make people laugh at how silly I can be. If you got it and saw through the absurdity and appreciate the humor, thats great... If you were hurt, then thats truly sad and that defeats the whole purpose of what I was after and is against all that I am about...which is to laugh at life...ALL aspects of life are subject for humor. If you cant laugh at life - all of it - thats not on me, however, I apologize for your feelings being hurt... Again, Dont believe everything you read on the internet.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:11:32 +0000

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