Okay – perk me up Best”personal” songs A-Z – Round 1. - TopicsExpress


Okay – perk me up Best”personal” songs A-Z – Round 1. Todays letter is “I”. I’m Down by The Beatles. Please excuse if it takes me to Round 15 to mention one of your favourite songs of all time. Certain letters have WAY more song titles than others and after round 1 – letters like “X” and “Z” will quickly become non- existant in this A-Z expose of mine. Some letters “kill” me to have to choose 1 – I could chose 30 for my #1 pick in some of these choices so this is by no means scientific – a year from now (or a day from now) I could choose things in a different order. This is tough but very pleasurable picking for me. Okay today’s letter is I. The number 1 pick for I is I’m Down by The Beatles. My opinion – the greatest craziest rock and roll vocal of all time by Paul McCartney. I LOVE IT! Although I was amazed that Steven Tyler could do even a reasonable job at this song – this has been the one song I have always desired to sing at kaoraoke and the ultimate goal would be to at least match Mccartney’s vocal. Chances are I’d either do a reasonably okay job or fall flat on my face – c’est la vie! This vocal is as perfect as I have ever heard from rock and roll and what separates the era of 1965 McCartney and just about every singer known to the history of mankind is this song. We’’ll see who is a great singer and who isn’t if you dared try to match the vocal abilities of Paul and actually survived the listening by other patrons who heard it. Literally, this is the equivalent of throwing a gladiator against a lion. Can anybody match McCartney’s “lion” roar on this song? I give Steven Tyler credit for attempting it. He didn’t match or beat McCartney but it was such a great achievement to stand up and survive in his performance that I am SUPER IMPRESSED – still McCartney owns it. Love the track. Very lively Beatles performance and George and John background vocals add great counterpoint to the song. This song rocks like rock and roll was meant to be. From 1:54 on – the last 58 seconds are screaming delight. Mac can scream in NOTES and on pitch – pretty cool. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=eo7TVJguXeg
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:56:46 +0000

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