Okiki Oderos OPEN LETTER TO KENYANS ON NATIONAL SECURITY. RE : WHAT IS IT THAT AILS OUR SECURITY SYSTEM? Fellow Kenyan, Over the past few weeks, Kenyans have become disturbed. Every Kenyan is disturbed by the state of security. Things are not looking good. There was Mpeketoni, recently, Kapedo, and now Garrisa. Something is seriously wrong somewhere. What is it? I have thought about the security situation, and I cannot but help think that we are pointing fingers in all the wrong directions. Our security system cannot meet modern security challenges. This is the ungarnished truth. As a Nation, we need to admit it. The main reason why I am saying this is simple. Our security System has always been REACTIVE. Forget about the National Intelligence Service! Our security system has always REACTED. Such a system cannot deal TERRORISM A FATAL BLOW. Terrorists are PRO-ACTIVE. Terrorists Plan, and Act. Our Security System is programmed to RESPOND TO ACTION, not to ANTICIPATE THE ACTION. Take cattle rustling, for example. How long has this menace been with us? Why always RESPOND? A RESPONSE IS AN AFTER THOUGHT, never a FORETHOUGHT.That means that unless our security agencies master and systemize FORETHOUGHT(PRO-ACTIVITY) in their operations, we Kenyans are doomed.Kenyans will still die, due to terrorism. As a country, we can no longer afford to SIMPLY REACT TO TERRORISTIC ACTIVITIES, we must craft a PROACTIVE SECURITY SYSTEM. Doing that is not going to be a walk in the park. Foremost, Its gonna require an overhaul of the entire current system. ideologically. An ideological PARADIGM SHIFT it is which will save Kenya. Secondly, to harmonize our physical systems with that ideology. Kind Regards, Okiki Odero Rege Serving Servant ~ REPUBLIC KENYA.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:56:05 +0000

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