Oldman also said the world had gone to hell. He said: Culturally, - TopicsExpress


Oldman also said the world had gone to hell. He said: Culturally, politically, everywhere you look. I look at the world, I look at our leadership and I look at every aspect of our culture and wonder what will make it better. I have no idea. Any night of the week you only need to turn on one of these news channels and watch for half an hour. Read the newspaper. Go online. Our world has gone to hell. I wish I could edit or black out the language. But he is right. So even a Hollywood icon can see what political correctness is doing to us!! And it is succeeding in limiting our free speech rights!! You want to talk like Gary Oldman? Thats your right!! You want to blast Jews or Muslims or Irish (well, maybe NOT the Irish!! ;) ), that is your free speech right! I will defend your right. However, I will also defend my right to delete language I dont like on my wall. WE HAVE RIGHTS AND WITH THOSE RIGHTS COME PRIVILEGES PLUS THE RESPONSIBILITY NOT TO INFRINGE UPON SOMEONE ELSES RIGHTS DURING OUR EXPRESSION. And POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is being used successfully to curb our expression!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:57:00 +0000

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