On 11th June 2014 I went in to the hair dressers named Hair Link - TopicsExpress


On 11th June 2014 I went in to the hair dressers named Hair Link in to the Westfields shop 282/585 high st, Penrith 2760. I was greeted by the owner of the shop his name is Jacob, I asked if he could turn my hair from picture 1 to picture 2 and I began to tell him that I wanted it permed and cut as well. He then explained to me that as for this hair style they will have to bleach it white he would recommend not to perm it if its been bleached white but to try out this new curly keratin treatment that he had heard about. He told me that this would hold for at least 4 weeks. He then handed me over to a hair dresser named Sam who was talking to Jacob and telling him it wont work as it my hair wont bleach that blonde he said to her to do it and it will work. They began to give my hair a bleach bath which my hair did not go white it went and I began to tell him that I wanted it permed and cut as well. He then explained to me that as for this hair style they w ill have to bleach it white he would recommend not to perm it if its been bleached white but to try out this new curly keratin treatment that he had heard about. He told me that this would hold for at least 4 weeks. He then handed me over to a hair dresser named Sam who was talking to Jacob and telling him it wont work as it my hair wont bleach that blonde he said to her to do it and it will work. They began to give my hair a bleach bath which my hair did not go white it went orange (picture 3) and then to balayge my hair (picture 4) after rinsing the reds and pink she noticed my hair was all red so she decided to bleach the ends of my hair to try to lighten them up. When I came back to my seat with wet hair she said its not really how I wanted it and asked if I was happy with it though I asked her to blow dry my hair so I could see the colour. It was very bright red but I was happy with the colour. She then explained that she has put a red hair die in the top pink in the m iddle and a pink rinse down the bottom. I asked her if it would fade she said it will fade but it will fade to the pinks that I want. They then began on the keratine treatment which again she was unsure about but the owner insisted that she do. But he (the owner - jacob) also gave me a choice of doing a perm as my hair was not bleached white so they will be able to do it (that is his words). I felt the ends of my hair and they didnt seem to feel very nice so I said im happy to do the keratine treatment as long as he is sure it will work as he insisted. So sam and another girl then began to do the treatment on my hair. They explain to me I need to leave it on for 3 days then wash it out. The owner then explained that If I buy these products he recommended and use them how he explained my hair colour would last even longer. They then charged me $180 for the balyage and 99 for the keratine and 81 on shampoo and conditioner and a red shampoo I use once a week. I spent 360 altog ether sam told me that if the keratine doesnt stay curly to come back and show her and they will do the perm I then walked out with picture 5 and 6. After 1st day my curls had drop to (picture 7) and by the 3rd day my hair was pretty much straight I then washed my hair using the products provided and my hair faded straight away this was on the morning of the 15th June 2014 then on Wednesday the 25th June 2014 I had washed my hair again using the products provided and my hair looked like picture 8. I went in a Jacob wasnt there but Sam was sam agreed straight away that my hair was turning orange and that the curls didnt work. I asked if she can fix it all plus I would pay for a hair cut as we didnt do one last time and she said it was fine. She asked if I wanted to try again I was unhappy and said if she died it a nice brown I would be happy she explained to me you would still see the red and I was happy for this. She did the brown with a hair cut picture 8 and 9. and the n explained to me as she hasnt seen Jacob or heard from him in days she will try to contact him and if I could come in tomorrow to do the perm as they have no perm solution. I rang the next day 19th June 2014 and asked for Sam and she explain to me that she has been unable to get in contact with Jacob and that I should come in tomorrow she said to me that if she still cant get in contact that she would go pay for the perming solution with her own money. So the next day she called me and let me know she had gone and bought the perm solution and to come in. I came in and she gave me to a girl that was French and explained to me that she was going to do it as Sam wasnt very confident doing it. The French girl was feeling my ends of my hair and I asked her does she think my hair will be able to take the perm solution and will it survive she said yes it will be fine it will just fade my hair and to just make sure I keep treating it after their done. She then explained to me th at if it fades she would put another colour through it and it would be fine. So she did the perm picture 10. she then after waiting the time she checked my hair and the colour was quite striped from my hair and I asked her if it was curly, she couldnt tell so she left it on for 5 mins more and started taking out the rollers at the sink. I after a few rollers I hear her talk to the girl next to her explaining to the girl next to her that my hair was breaking off and falling out.She then called to the apprentice over to help her she was saying that it was burning my hair and need to hurry to get them out. As she was taking them out she explain to me that my hair was not curly at all but she will have to blow dry it after the rollers were out she started realising my hair was coming out n chunks and stoped and went and spoke to Sam. And came and sat next to me and said that she needed to be honest with me she explain that my hair was not curly and it was actually falling out s he explained that the hair that wasnt falling out was very badly damaged and began to explain that the reason for this is because my hair was only just bleached the week before and she didnt know this because Sam didnt tell her. As I was upset I just asked for her to treat my hair and she believed that it would help and I asked for a refund she said she was happy to give that to me she gave me a split end treatment and a bottle to take home and she spoke to the girl on charge which was a girl named jess. Jess then explained to me that she needed the owner to do a refund and she took my details down and told me they would be in contact as soon as possible and gave me a voucher for a free keratin treatment. embarrassed I went to my husband who was sown stairs and asked him to drive me home straight away. When I got home I did what the girls explained to me would help I left the treatment in my hair and had a shower before bed to rinse it out I then put my hair in plats with more treatment in my hair. And sleep with the treatment in. already so much hair had fallen out picture 11 and 12. I rang them that day which was the 21st of June 2014 and they explain they heard nothing from Jacob, I then went in on the 22nd June I walked passed with my husband they explained to me again they cant give it to me as they cant get in contact with Jacob, my husband asked for someone else to contact and they had no idea a lady cam up to me whilst talking to Sam and kept asking whats going on and she said to me so what do u want? I explain a refund she said to us if we give u a refund will u take it further or will this be it?, upset my husband said to her you have no right to ask us that and u are not involved. I asked my husband to stand down and the lady who Im sure was pregnant said she doesnt have to listen to that and walked away. Sam called a man she called Darren who she believed to be the man who pays her. And he said to her on the phone that he wo uld try to get in contact but he cant authorise the refund. After spending 2 hours in the shop waiting for some answers we went home. And walked passed 23rd June 2014 and Jacob was in there so I walked in and explained to him what has happened. He said he will log this with his insurance and he will call me with some details tonight as he is unable to give me a refund right now. My husband then asked Jacob for the insurance details. He said he didnt know them and that he will call his business partner tonight in regards to it and calls me back. I explained I was fine with that but as long as he calls me back today as this is ridiculous. Unhappy my husband and I walked to fair trading to lodge a complaint. I then took time off work because I was to emotionally unstable to be in public, and every time I have to go back to the Westfields my anxiety levels go up as I felt very uncomfortable about the way I look and feel because of this. see picture 13,14 15 ,16 I then went to my usual hairdressers the next day and asking her to fix it which will be chopping my hair off which has made me very upset as I have now lost all self confidence in myself. first she tried to make it just to my shoulder see pictures 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - this is when my good hair dresser i trust found blisters burns and scabs through my scalp from the treatment. after a day of having my hair to my shoulders it just sizzled back up so i went back in thats when she gave me a pixie cute picture 29 after a couple of days i then find rashes from my burns behind my ears picture 30 and 31 whilst the back of my head was steal healing. the pixie cut was good but my hair still felt gross it was a bit better but still gross. i was getting my hair cut every 3 weeks for about 3 months then i got annoyed with having such horrible feeling hair that i chooped it off picture 32 now my hair is healthy. since all this happened fair trading rang me back after months of waiting to find out that they couldnt get a hold of the owner as he was always out. I told her i new that was a lie as i have seen him when i walk past. she told me unfortunately there is nothing more that they can do as they are only mediators. they told me i could take them to court if i wanted. After talking to lawyers they told me i had a case but after paying all the legal fees there wouldnt be much of a case for me. so i left it. so in the end they get away with it.....please share my story so i can stop this happpening to everyone. and hopfully we can close this store down because this shouldnt happen to anyone. just one last picture to show everyone where my hair is at now.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:21:24 +0000

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