On January 16, 1988 my life changed forever. Shortly after 9am on - TopicsExpress


On January 16, 1988 my life changed forever. Shortly after 9am on a beautiful, sunny, Saturday morning, my family was involved in a head on collision caused by two men who had been drinking heavily the night before. My mother, brother, and my mothers closest friend were killed instantly, while I suffered a broken back and severe internal injuries. I would spend the next 4 1/2 months recovering in the hospital before spending another 6 months recovering at home. I was 7, about to turn 8 when the accident occurred. At the time of writing this I have lived without them for 27 years. Time doesnt erase the loss, yet as time has passed God has brought healing. Both my mother, brother, and my mothers friend were followers of Jesus Christ. They were Christians. Ones who had acknowledged before Christ their sin and need of Him, trusting in His life, death, and resurrection for their forgiveness. At age 13 Jesus Christ would reveal Himself to me through the preaching of His Word and the good news of the gospel being shared with me. Christ saved me and at the same time brought my dad to faith in Him. The apostle Paul writes in the New Testament that followers of Christ should not mourn as those who have no hope. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. And when our family and friends who have trusted in Christ die and leave this world, we can have a peace that is unlike any other. Jesus said He had come to give us peace. Not as the world gives peace. And He had come to give eternal life and forgiveness of sin for all who would believe in Him. Friend if you are reading this I plead with you to believe this good news I share! Jesus Christ lived a perfect and obedient life unlike anyone else. He never sinned unlike you and I who have always sinned. Because of His sinless life people like you and I hated Him and crucified Him and killed Him. Yet this was Gods plan. Jesus lived a perfect life because we could not. He died the death we deserve and in His righteousness bore the wrath that we deserve so that we could be forgiven. After suffering and dying, then bearing Gods wrath He lay in His tomb for 3 days until death could hold Him no longer. On the third day He arose from the grave conquering death and hell and sin that we can be forgiven and have the hope of eternal life. This is Good News! The Word of God says if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive our sin. Believe these truths and He will not forsake you. He will remember you. He has remembered you. https://vimeo/116724013
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:20:38 +0000

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