On January 2nd of last year, my wifes parents and I walked down to - TopicsExpress


On January 2nd of last year, my wifes parents and I walked down to see Jackson Alexander and all the other tiny miracles in the nursery at Methodist, while my wife met with her nurses, and caught up on some much needed rest. My mother-in-law, being the social butterfly that she is, quickly struck up a conversation with a couple roughly her same age...that had just arrived for the first viewing of their grandchild that had been born earlier that morning. While I was not directly involved in the initial conversation, Debbie later filled me in, after a brief introduction. A rather neat story is as follows: The couples daughter-in-law had been diagnosed with cancer some years before, so the tough decision was made by her, and the husband to freeze 6 of her eggs, in the event that the radiation and chemo treatments destroyed any hopes of her one day conceiving. Since life can sometimes be a very cruel mistress...the treatments, (while effective), did indeed negate her opportunity to ever give birth...and completely robbed her of the rightful joy of motherhood. After 5 unsuccessful attempts to fertilize the eggs, the young couple was left with only the 6th, and final egg. Much to everyones delight...the grandchild that they, (and the rest of us), were currently viewing behind the glass under the watchful eyes of the nursing staff...was the end result of the successful fertilization of the final egg. As fate would have it...January 2nd also happened to be her 60 something birthday! The grandmother was nothing less than ecstatic...and heaped endless praises upon which higher power she so dearly held so much faith in. My initial response, was to credit the modern day miracle to the amazing advances in the field of medical science...not to any particular deity. However, this story is not about me...and who am I to discredit her familys rather moving tale of beating the odds...or anyone elses for that matter? When science fails, as it sometimes does, one has nothing but faith to fall back on. Regardless of my circling the airport, at the end of the day...the point of my post is...that the grandmothers time on Cloud #9 was nothing short of absolutely genuine...and a real treat to behold! So here, dear reader, is cheers to the lovely view...from whichever side of the fence you may happen to stand...and a very well deserved Happy belated Birthday to Egg #6! :)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:29:55 +0000

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