On Mother’s Day of 2013, Wendy and I took a giant leap of faith, - TopicsExpress


On Mother’s Day of 2013, Wendy and I took a giant leap of faith, and acted on the Call God had placed on our hearts. We had the first service and planted New Generation Ministries, a mission of the Church of God of Prophecy. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs. We’ve been caught in a rainstorm having service at the park, battled the heat, cold, and suffered financial woes. There were several Sunday mornings with just three people in attendance (Wendy and myself being two of those). Bills have come due with no money in the bank, yet God always provides. Many didn’t think we’d last a couple of months, much less a year. I’ll admit that there were times when I was one of those people myself. Not that I didn’t have faith or doubted God, but sometimes it was hard to see God over the mountains in front of us. There were times that I felt overwhelmed, like I was spinning my wheels, and wondered if anyone would care if we just stopped altogether. God always seemed to breathe fresh motivation, and we all kept going. Over the last year, several people have committed and poured into us. God has moved on many to become part of New Generation Ministries in music ministry, cleaning the church, donating things, assisting me in moderating/opening services, child care, gifting financially, and covering us in prayer. You have fed the hungry, clothed the cold, and sheltered the homeless on many occasions. YOU have become the hands and feet of Christ. Today as I stood up to share the message God had laid on my heart, I took a good look at the congregation that sat before me. Of course I saw them with my eyes—but I really looked at them with my heart. I didn’t see “folks who came to church”—but I saw my family. Tears came into my eyes as I saw people who I truly Love. I know that I’m supposed to minister and pour into each of them every Sunday, but really it’s the other way around. 90% of the people that attend our growing church I didn’t know before, but I consider each of them family now. I almost feel selfish every Sunday after service, because I feel like nobody is leaving with a bigger blessing than I am. We’ve come a long way, and we have a long journey ahead of us. We’ve gone from those 3-person Sundays to an average of about 25-30 each Sunday. I know God has even bigger plans for us in the future. It isn’t about numbers, but it is about souls. We have holes in the walls, a bank account in the red, and I don’t have a clue what I’m doing most days-- but all of that is unimportant. I know that God is creating a powerhouse in our church of a core group to edify Him! I see it every Sunday! From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you who have attended, cleaned, given financially, prayed, participated, and labored in any other way to New Generation Ministries. Thank you for being obedient to God, showing your heart, and putting your trust in the Vision God laid upon our hearts. I can see that He has placed that same passion in many of your hearts as well. I’m not a great preacher, I’m very unorganized, and I have SEVERE ADD. I like Pizza Rolls. But I do have a burden for the souls of the people of Walker County. To each of you who have supported us in any way, thank you. We Love you, and are looking forward to what God has in store for the future of New Generation Ministries!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:44:28 +0000

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