On Tuesday (second September) well be organizing a tournament @3 - TopicsExpress


On Tuesday (second September) well be organizing a tournament @3 OClock PM (GMT+1). If youd like to sign up your team please mail us @ [email protected] and provide us with critical information such as: Team players , Team captain, Team name and Team elo. The sign up ends the Monday, the first! Be sure to sign up before. Be sure to show up in Smite it!s Teamspeak(IP following soon) at least 30 minutes in advantage to check in with your team, then the tournament coordinators and admins will be inviting the different team captains to the game rooms and then let them invite the rest. RULES 1. Aside from their five main players, each team is allowed to indicate up to three subs that can take the place of one of the main players. Each summoner is only allowed to enter with one team per tournament. 2. The team with the highest seed will always be the purple team. If the seed of both teams is equal, it will be randomly decided who plays on what side. 3. Teams are expected to show up on time for the tournaments, but since sometimes unforeseen problems can arise, there is a 15-minute grace period for any missing members to show up. If after those 15 minutes the team does not have 5 valid members to play, they will automatically forfeit their match. Furthermore, teams that neglect to show up at all will be penalized. 4. While the data of the game should be sent to us automatically, it is advised that both teams take a screenshot of the champ select and score screen, in case of a dispute. 5. The game is over when a Nexus is destroyed or when a team surrenders. In case of a forfeit, please finish the game ASAP by destroying the enemy Nexus. 6. Abusing any of these rules or bugs that give your team an unfair advantage will result in immediate disqualification and exclusion in future events. 7. While we want to avoid changing the rules, they are always subject to change and Tournament Directors will have final say in issues. 8. This is not an official event hosted by Riot Games, however all those participating in it are still bound to the Summoners Code. Any violations of these rules, such as verbal harassment shall result in penalties to the offenders, which can include exclusion from future events or getting denied prizes. 9. Be sure to have fun within the Fields of Justice, we want this to be a clean and nice environment to new people who want to participate within these tournaments and want to inspire that League of Legends does have a nice friendly community. Kind Regards, The Staff (Your Name or leave it as “staff”). Once this step is posted within your Facebook page or website, youll need a description for your LoL tournament, so what you do is enter a 250 word description about the tournament. You can easily copy and paste whatever you did on your Facebook Page or website. After that is done, submit it to the link below.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:59:03 +0000

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