On Warfare: THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE. This spirit is directly connected - TopicsExpress


On Warfare: THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE. This spirit is directly connected with the spirit of the leviathan and most people never see or get delivered from it because its primary function is to block complete deliverance knowing how much God despises a proud look and haughtiness. BUT this spirit has some subtle influences that we all need to be aware of. Additionally this spirit will trick its host by allowing them to see some deliverance just enough to believe that pride is broken when it is actually replaced with a false humility inundated with a now religious and judgmental spirit. This spirit is partners with insecurity. (1) Fear of what others will think. There is a difference between genuine concern, and a need for approval. (2) Wanting friends to only be friends with you, usually rooted in a fear that if they make other friends they will value you less. (3) An unwillingness to acknowledge and admit a need for validation usually after trauma or deep scarring. This person feels most comfortable being featured in some way and will look down on places where they are not the center of attention or they become opportunists. (4) Obsessed with attention. Someone has to notice everything they do. (5) Label obsessed. Everything must be trendy. May even go into debt. Interested in keeping up appearances. (6) Ashamed of or resistance to asking for help. (7) Irritated when someone does not take their advice, knowledge, or wisdom. (8) Pushes people away or doesnt like people getting too close. (9) Easily offended (10) Takes everything personally (11) Unnaturally sensitive (12) Sabotages relationships-- I dont need anybody, You dont have to do anything for me, If you dont like the way I do things you dont have to stay. (13) False Humility - You know you have a desire but act like its not a big deal to you. (14) Easily irritated (15) Always noticing the flaws in others and instead of praying complaining (16) Uses This is who I am often. (15) Needs to be recognized, most things are about developing connections that have a direct benefit for them. This is not normal networking. This is intentional promotion of who they are wanting to be noticed but telling themselves it is innocent. (16) Lies a lot about unnecessary things (17) Self-loathing - constant negative perception about themselves. (18) Inability to take ownership over characteristic flaws. (19) A need to draw every conversation back to them or something they did or accomplished. (20) Constant battle with anxiety. (21) Always comparing themselves to others. (21) Unleashes a venom when not in control of a situation. (22) Needs everyone to do what they say how they say it. (23) Very emotional and usually uses these emotions to garner attention. (24) Finds it difficult to say I apologize. (25) Has Trust issues (26) Has abandonment issues (27) Is always right. (28) Monopolizes the time of those they come in contact with. (29) Uses the Bible to back up even inappropriate action way out of context. (30) Ignores their discernment or gut feelings. (31) Says they love God but remain slow in obeying. (32) Starts and stops a lot of things. (33) Obsessed with being successful. (34) Unconcerned for the well being of the poor and oppressed (35) Will not identify with where they come from- over attention to breaking away from their roots. Father we pray against every place of pride as we know it always come before destruction. We want to be whole beings fully fulfilled and confident in you. Wherever this leviathan spirit is attacking we seal every door with the Blood of Jesus that there will be no point of slithering entry. Dont allow us to see it, give us the courage to admit and do something about it.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:07:15 +0000

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