On Wednesday for our Hour of Power we will be teaching on the - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday for our Hour of Power we will be teaching on the Subject:Cosmetic Surgery,this type of surgery is mainly for show, to cover up the real and show what we want others to see, TV is great at this kind of thing, we have doctors that make a living Im doing cosmetic surgery, making mucho (much) money doing it, and so many of us that are getting older, but dont like what we see in the mirror anymore, choose to spend money that we dont have to change the reflection that we see in the mirror, The late,great Michael Jackson, made the song, Take A Look At The Man In The Mirror, it might just change your ways, we see where the surgery took him to,Cosmetic Surgery deals with the outer appearance,God told Samuel that man judges from the outer, but we, He and those in agreement with him chooses from the inner person,in order to get the best out of mankind we must work from the inside out, our motives, our mind ,our spirit and heart must be in total agreement with God, so that we can follow after righteousness,not for others to see us, but because we are now operating in the righteousness of God, 1st Peter 2nd Chapter,9th vs But you are a chosen generation, a royal, priesthood, a holy nation,a peculiar people,that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, 10th vs, Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, but we need to go farther and make the whole body beautiful, allowing the word of God to transform us from the inside out,which is able to make it so that when people see you coming, they will not think about your biological look so much when they know what is on the inside working on the outside bringing into conformity the the beauty of truth which is the love of Christ, We cannot settle for walking around looking and talking holiness, we must be about the business of being holy, if we have to lose every friend that we have, Jesus is the only friend that you need, he sticks closer than a brother, and he will surround you with true friends that are not trying to pull you into hell, but friends trying to help you get to heaven. Cosmetic Surgery, no, I think not, I am not trying to fool anyone, Christ loves me just as I am, because when he looks at me now, he sees himself, is there anyone or anything more beautiful than Jesus? God Bless
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 03:23:12 +0000

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