On my mind!! Rocks come from mountains! Stones come from from - TopicsExpress


On my mind!! Rocks come from mountains! Stones come from from rocks! Remember!! Stones build roads and highways!! Before you start throwing stones at someone thin first about the mountains and hills you had 2 climb or never climbed! Then maybe u will understand and empathize with the mountains and hills that person is climbing or never climbed!! Stones build walls!! Sometimes big and strong walls! The purpose of walls are 2 keep something inside and 2 keep something outside!! What are you inside of you with your self built wall?? Who are u trying 2 protect with youre wall?? Is your wall of stones built on the premise o Fear any Paranoia there?? Dont judge bipolar conditions until you remove the stones inside your heart!!! You cant even walk 4 a short distance because of the pebbles in your shoes!! Remove the small pebble stones and walk the whole journey of life!! What is your big strong walls trying 2 keep on the outside?? Youre keeping the big strong wall of doubt and mistrust has denied you many meaningful and good people and happy relationships in your life!! Learn 2 love someone then you will learn 2 trust someone!! Only then will stop keeping people out of your heart with your big strong walls!! Remember!! Stones also build bridges!! Bridges are built 2 cross and bring you from one point 2 another point!! What are you building in your life?? Bridges or Walls?? The Stones!! Rocks!! Little Pebbles!! Walls! Bridges!! They are all in your hands!! You decide what you will with those stones!! Continue 2 build big strong self-made mountains and hills so tough and hard 2 climb and maneuver around!! Make it easy on you!!! Build bridges that you can cross constantly in life 4 yourself and others!! Is it hard?? Nothing in life worth having didnt come easy!! Is it worth it?? That depends on your Self-worth!! What ever you decide!! Remember!! He or She who lives in Glass Houses!!! Should Not Throw Stones or Rocks At Someone Else!!! A little wisdom from Dr. B.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:14:27 +0000

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