On the occasion of International Migrants’ Day (18 December), - TopicsExpress


On the occasion of International Migrants’ Day (18 December), Antifascist Action for Greece (AAfG) plans to hold an event aimed at raising awareness about Greece’s asylum policies and practices, and, in particular, its policy of indefinite detention of migrants – including children – in conditions that often amount to inhuman and degrading treatment. Such treatment is prohibited under, amongst other things, international law. The AAfG event on 18 December 2014 shall open with the screening of Into the Fire-The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece - a documentary about the plight of one of the most marginalised and victimised section of Greek society: its migrants. This shall be followed by a panel discussion with contributions from Greek and UK-based human rights’ and asylum activists, including Ms. Electra Leda Koutra (human rights lawyer based in Greece, and Hellenic Action for Human Rights – ‘Pleiades’ activist). What is more, at this event AAfG is most proud to be exhibiting about thirty drawings made by children detained at the Amygdaleza migrant Detention Centre in the outskirts of Athens. This exhibition is a means of giving a voice to the voiceless at the borders of the European Union’s Fortress Europe, where human beings find themselves detained in modern-day concentration camps, violently deported, and routinely denied the rights to which a whole raft of legal provisions entitles them. Do come along on Thursday 18 December 2014 to support our efforts to raise awareness about the outrageous treatment of migrants including children by the Greek state.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:29:27 +0000

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