Once again, its time to look at #Taiwan. Unfortunately, there is - TopicsExpress


Once again, its time to look at #Taiwan. Unfortunately, there is still a need to call for freedom from prison for Chen Shui-bian and a need to call out Ma Ying-jeou (the most unpopular president in Taiwans history) to stop abusing #HumanRights principles for shameful political hunts. For those of you who have been following, this call has been made for far too long and has seen deaf ears. For those new and old, lets look at some of the why. Following the latest findings in Taiwans judicial system, the need is stronger than ever: a #FreeTaiwan needs a free Chen Shui-bian. With a deeply problematic trial process, a failure to provide adequate medical care, and a dangerous message to a new multiparty democracy, Ma Ying-jeous quest to continue to jail the first and only politician outside the Kuomintang (KMT) to hold highest office is a bad and faithless move. It is indicative of an attempt, with the complicity of the rest of the KMT for failing to speak out and dissent, to beat back the human rights that Taiwans people have fought with their lives to acquire. The rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) deserve durable and complete respect, not the sort of abuse heaped upon them in the actions of a hapless president whos single-digit approval ratings suggest an intent to forgo the beauty of rights in an effort to grab the ugliness of raw power. Taiwan has a long history in the history books of the West. When the Portuguese sailed by in 1544, they named the main island Ilha Formosa, or Beautiful Island by the Portuguese when they sailed by in 1544, though indigenous peoples whod already been there for at least five thousand years already had names for it. In the following three and a half centuries China, Spain, and the Netherlands all juggled claims of sovereignty, settlement, and trading rights before the Qing Dynasty ceded the area to Japan in the late nineteenth century. After WWII, the Republic of China was established by the Kuomintang (KMT) in retreat from the Chinese civil war and took possession after Japans surrender. 請拷背下方 # 超連結 # HashTag 配合您相関fb文章,把搶救阿扁總統的聲音傳出台灣島,大家搶救那當初六百萬的人民選出來的,亞洲第一位和平政權轉移的總統 Universal Declaration of Human Rights #陳水扁のリリース #無料の抱擁FreeHugs陳水扁JapanTaiwanCampaign #該編 #自由阿扁FreeHugs擁抱Taiwan魂聯盟 #UDHRsaveAbian #FreeShuiBianChen #FreeAbian #白色雨傘搶救阿扁革命 #立即釋放阿扁總統 #阿扁 #陳水扁 #陳水扁總統立即無罪開釋 #微罪減刑 #FreeHugs粉絲團 Video by #許四果
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 08:52:52 +0000

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