Once in a while i hear the phrase i miss the old Ken/Kenny. Its - TopicsExpress


Once in a while i hear the phrase i miss the old Ken/Kenny. Its happened several times at certain points in my life especially in the last few years. It comes from everywhere be it family, friends, co workers or people who just think they know me. My first thought is whats wrong with me but that thought is shortlived. I choose to focus on whats right. That phrase confuses me because i have to wonder which Kenny are they missing??? How far back do we go??? Do they miss the cocky long hair who thought he was a little better than everyone else??? I dont. He was a jackass with an ego. Looks fade. Beauty comes from within for sure. Dont just look with your eyes. I told my ex once that she looked beautiful and she laughed. She said it was all an illusion. I see what i want to see. She was right. I was looking with my heart. Do they mean the guy who took things and people for granted??? Periodically staying out abusing one thing or another all while hurting the people he loved and who loved him. Not to mention hurting himself. I dont miss that selfish guy at all!!! Its not all about me. Perhaps they mean the crabby guy with a short temper. People walking on eggshells while he rants and judges. I def dont miss him!!! Let the anger go. Maybe they miss the guy who closed the bar every night and occasionally fell down. Sure it was all good times but alot had to do with my unhappiness. Keep the party going and theres no time to feel the pain or deal with the issues. No time to heal. Dont miss that. Everyone needs time alone. Time to heal. So by process of elimination it must be negative Kenny they miss. Everything sucks and the world is out to get him. I dont miss him either. Sure i am human and things get to me but eventually i put a positive spin on it. I choose to look for the good instead of the bad as much as possible. There is enough negativity out there already. See it every day. I can feel it oozing off of people sometimes. I ll pass. This is the life we were given. Its up to us to make it good. So while many are looking down I ll keep my eyes fixed on the sun (and moon). I think sometimes change scares people. Maybe they really dont like the new you and thats ok. Or maybe the new you makes them look closer at the old them and thats what they really dont like. Scared to change it. Everyone can use some tweaking. The things we ve done in the past make us who we are today. Both good and bad. They were either blessings or lessons. Its the past though. Too many live in the what was instead of the what is and what could be. These things gave me direction and led me to my path. I dont want followers. Free will is the key. Everyone has rhe choice to believe what they want as long as they dont try to force other to believe the same things. Everyone has the right to do as they wish as long as it harms nobody else. The old me would never have said any of this. I ll keep the new me. Ever changing, learning and evolving. A work in progress. Its your choice to keep him too or move on. I dont need any long replies or explanations. Not the point. It doesnt anger me and new Kenny holds no grudges. All is good. This is not directed at anybody. I ve done enough thinking on this already. Just cleansing my thoughts and perhaps making others think as well(or miss some other me more lol). Not everyone gets it and thats ok. I m really not so new i just got rid of some old stuff that didnt serve me well. Oh yeah and i never have or do i now worship the devil Lol. Not sure what that is :-P Think about it. Love you all!!! Peace
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:15:48 +0000

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