One Great Hour Of Sharing Provides Relief To Those Affected In - TopicsExpress


One Great Hour Of Sharing Provides Relief To Those Affected In the Philippines With the recent disaster hitting the Philippines, we are very quickly reminded of many natural disasters we all have been affected by in recent years. As servants of God, we want to act and lend a hand. Our immediate response is to lift all affected by this devastating typhoon in prayer. The power of prayer changes impossibility into possibility. One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) administered by the World Relief Committee helps to facilitate ABC-USA emergency relief. disaster relief, refugee work and distribution of funds. We thank all the churches who so generously contributed to OGHS. $10,000 was released to help meet the immediate needs of the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. ABC-USA has partners on the ground as well as International Missionaries to help give us an idea of the extent of the need. The storm has hit an area where the Philippine Baptist Churches (PBC) serve. Our three International Missionaries are Debbie Mulneix and Thelma and Jonathan Nambu. Their ministries focus on ministering to women and children caught in Human trafficking. They work with the Samaritana Transformation Ministries in the Philippines. They are all safe. How You Can Help Please be in prayer for all those affected by the typhoon, and for the Philippines government and the first responders who are struggling with a very difficult situation. If you would like to make a financial gift to help with the relief effort, simply designate your contribution to BBC and note OGHS -Philippines Typhoon Relief. To make a tax-deductible contribution online go to
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:25:59 +0000

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