One Simple Idea for a Movie.... In a futuristic world of 2050 the - TopicsExpress


One Simple Idea for a Movie.... In a futuristic world of 2050 the world is about to witness a drama of “true decolonization”. Since the days of Spanish Conquistadores, the Europeans took it upon themselves as a moral mission to spread the modern and civilized ‘way of life’ of the west to the rest of the ‘barbarian’ world and as a mercantile-cum-political expedition to rule over them in a presumption that ‘barbarians’ do not possess the faculties to sincerely rule over themselves. In the guise of a “civilizing mission” an economic loot and a cultural subjugation prevailed from Latin America to Africa to Asia. Many west-European kingdoms had set their flags running over most of the ‘old world’ by the middle of the 19th century. From Caribbean to Kenya to India to Burma to China all were either semi-colonised or were entirely engulfed by the hungry monster of imperialism. Then in the political leadership of America a post-WWII liberal world-order was underwritten. Colonization was fundamentally discouraged. Imperialists of all stripes---Brits, Dutch, French, Belgians etc. were all reluctantly losing the colonies off their clutches. And by the end of the Cold War in early 1990s a new wave of democracy and freedom was riding through much of the world. But true decolonization did not happen, for true colonization had the aim of not only economic, political and cultural subversion of that ‘other’ but also and perhaps more importantly the psychological deception. Skinny, dark-colored folks from the third world were arrogantly considered as ‘inferior’ compared to the ‘superior’ breed of the White West. Such was not just their rhetoric or some public policy but deep seated racial and cultural beliefs. The deceptive binary of inferior-superior was made to sink in the psyche of ‘barbarian’. There was a time at the turn of 20th century when King Leopold II of Belgium wanted to start a “World School of Colonization” so as to safely pass the secrets of the knowledge of colonization to the posterity. Clearly the colonists had big plans, at least for several hundred centuries. In a post-WWII liberal world order political decolonization indeed happened as many new nations emerged from the ashes of fading empires. And all new nations(~200) were accommodated under the umbrella of United Nations. But economic neo-colonization or neo-imperialism did continue. The Bretton Woods sister institutions--IMF, World Bank--which were negotiated mainly by the Americans and the British in pre-war years in a way perpetuated the economic colonization through complex macroeconomic and financial instruments. Coming to the rescue of India in a BoP crisis of 1991 and then tacitly forcing to usher in the structural reforms of privatization and liberalization is a case in a point. The emergence of Asia on world economic scene and founding of BRICS-bank is reversing this trend of economic neo-colonization. But the cultural and the intellectual or more specifically the psychological colonization still continues unabated. It is our minds that were colonized most basically and hence it is our minds that needs to be truly decolonized. It is to achieve the decolonization of the mind that anything literary somthing like a feature film could have a chance. The fundamental aspect of the “colonization of mind” is that the people in the so called developing countries or the third world assume that they are inferior to their Western counterparts. Whichever can provide flames to the fantasy that they are superior or if they are invited to devour an illusion that they are indeed superior, in fact ultra-superior than their Western counterparts can work as a basic raw material for a film. In such situation is set the plot of the film... So the main plot of the film is that in a futuristic world of 2050 when China, India and USA are three big nations with tens of trillions of dollar economies, hyper modern military and big political clout; Indians have found themselves in a milieu of some unprecedented political developments. A political leader ‘X’ has suddenly rose to the apex of power and through an ingenious plan has supposedly hijacked all of and the entire of the western ex-colonial governments. British, French, Italians, Belgians, Dutch, Spanish all old sinners of colonialism are literally at the gun-point of India with their knees folded in front of the leader ‘X’. Leader ‘X’ has only one plan: through the acquiescence of America and China---both victims of colonization---hold the old colonists at gun-point and settle the old account of their colonial adventures. At gun-point implies all the nuclear warheads, submarines, satellites, missiles, military command-control systems, electricity, water, internet anything you name it and in a futuristic world of 2050 when cyberspace is the battlefield, all of it are hijacked by the government of India under the leadership of Mr ‘X’. All of this for one purpose to show the ‘third world’ that the ‘first world’ is crippling in front of their eyes. The entire climax is being broadcasted live on internet and every other media. And the whole world would watch as the drama of “true decolonization” unfolds live in front of their eyes. I wonder how much high they will get out of it.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 06:16:37 +0000

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