One cure for mediocrity is simple. Do something different, with - TopicsExpress


One cure for mediocrity is simple. Do something different, with purpose. A literal audio journal is mostly unheard of in the current scheme of contemporary Hiphop. With trends changing by day, disposable is the music in the eyes of many. What the ‘mainstream’ delivers is often skewed, incapable of reflecting the overall depth the genre covers, namely the sophistication of rapping over beats and the inherent power of words. With audio journaling: unkempt Ankhle Conscious shares unapologetic direct thoughts in unmitigated fashion by way of raw recordings, repurposed audio clips, images and doctored videos. Headphones specifically are suggested for use (not earbuds) while one explores this digital piece. Its material meant to be consumed straight through, from start to finish then revisited as many times as necessary. One reason Ankhle Conscious opted not to release this project via streaming services is to remain somewhat in control of how the audio is delivered and received. “There aren’t any typical singles” says Conscious. “Only one track is available for listening in full before download.” On “I Give You Aid(s)” produced by CHFWRRN the discussion of an epidemic seemingly forgotten takes place. A charming execution of rhyme is followed by a more serious monologue contemplating the source of the virus that’s claimed the lives of far too many. With production by a number of eclectic soundsmiths (CHFWRRN, Rozay The Martian, DJ Mentplus and others) the soundscape of this journal presents mountains, valleys, alleys and a couple of fire escapes. Very unpredictable. [Spoiler alert] Southern chef of excess Paula Deen makes an appearance inside the unkempt digital package as her less than convincing video statement of apology is (re)fixed to the tune of Kanye’s West’s SNL “New Slaves” live performance. A thirst lingers for something off kilter to wear down the industrial strength polish of trivial and mindless riddling engineered during this era that presents an American president in natural black face, remotely maneuvered drones and the early stages of singularity. audio journaling: unkempt is a tonic for cleansing the collective conscious. For some it will be uncomfortable initially, none the less healthy and beneficial for all. iareconscious.bandcamp/album/audio-journaling-unkempt
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:07:57 +0000

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