One day liberal journalists will wake up and realize that they - TopicsExpress


One day liberal journalists will wake up and realize that they were so gently and carefully herded into submission like so many sheep being slaughtered that they find themselves writing the party line because they have willingly abandoned the whole truth in order to have a slice of the state approved message. Witness Obama care that has been such a disaster on small business, free enterprise, and on health care in every way. Consider the plight of cancer patients that if they could get the care they once had access to are now terminally ill simple because a state ordered mandate has turned their situation into a death sentence. Consider dear old Harry Reid saying the people who stated their problems with Obamacare are liars and now is denying he said it. Typical politician lying the first time and then lying again. Consider Nancy Pelosi who insisted it should be called the Affordable care act instead of Obamacare and proud of her effort to destroy the very fabric of this nation. Perhaps she ought to wake up and let Obama own it since he has repeatedly modified it by executive order which is illegal and at some or another when the full impact is realized she wont want to be linked to it. However, one thing she will be forever linked to is the stupid inane statements she made such as we need to pass it to see whats in it. Any moron that could read could see what is in it. And any thinking rational and mentally coherent person could see at a glance we dont dont need to force mandates on unwilling participants when our nation is supposed to be a government for the people, by the people and of the people. Our constitution was not broke, our nations leadership was. We did not need to fix the constitution, we needed to remove the rotten leadership. And we have some serious rot on both sides of the aisle in congress.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:22:59 +0000

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