One for any No voters you know that think the 300 years is really - TopicsExpress


One for any No voters you know that think the 300 years is really important and is kind of like our natural state. The changing of nations and countries is actually the only thing that is natural. As evidence that countries still adapt over time, and that there has been no slow-down in such changes, here is a tiny fraction of a list of hundreds of modern day countries with their last date of control by an external government (Ive excluded any control by Germany during WWII). The control was generally as part of an empire, part of a union etc. The external governments country is given in brackets. This isnt irrelevant history, most of these countries have secured their independence within the lifetime or either us, our parents or our grandparents. Add to this that each of the hundreds of countries on the list (and good luck coming up with one that isnt on it) has in its history been under the control of anywhere from 1-20 different external governments at different times. How many of these places do you just automatically think of as having independence as their natural state? Would you suggest any of them did the wrong thing becoming independent? 1989 Afghanistan (Soviet Union) 1942 Australia (UK)) 1971 Bahrain (UK) 1971 Bangladesh (Pakistan) 1830 Belgium (Netherlands) 1931 Canada (UK) 1912 PR China (Qing Empire) 1968 Czech Republic (Warsaw Pact Armies) 1814 Denmark (Norway) 1991 Estonia (Soviet Union) 1918 Finland (Russian Empire) 1956 Hungary (Soviet Union) 1944 Iceland (Denmark) 1931 Ireland (UK) 1863 Mexico (France) 1861 Monaco (France) 1947 New Zealand (UK) 1905 Norway (Sweden) 1808 Portugal (France) 1919 Saudi Arabia (Ottoman Empire) 1965 Singapore (Malaysia) 1991 Slovenia (Yugoslavia) 1815 Switzerland (Austria) 1971 United Arab Emirates (UK) 1929 Vatican City (Italy) Over at least two centuries Scots (and the people of Scotland) have increasingly voiced their sense that Scotland is being held back by being in the UK, and that she needs to be able to adapt to what is happening in the world in a way that she simply cannot without full control of her own resources and while shackled to a foreign government. Although a graph would probably never be entirely smooth, it appears very much that even over centuries the support for independence shows continual overall growth. Independence is the right thing for countries.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 00:07:08 +0000

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