One more way to separate us from our hard earned - TopicsExpress


One more way to separate us from our hard earned money. President Obama, with strong support of Congressman Van Hollen, is moving forward with cap and trade measures, through EPA regulations, despite the Senate having been unable to pass such a law, in-spite of having control of that body at the time the attempt was made. Now what will be the outcome of these warrantless regulations? As currently discussed, countless energy utilities will be cutting back on electrical power plant production facilities. Kentucky and West Virginia residents will feel the brunt of this most severely. But all of us will see the effects in added utility costs. We will eventually see these mandates at the gas pump as well. Because we all will be expected to pay for this bad idea, directly. This reminds me of the merchant of Venice, but this is a pound of Flesh, that wont not occur just because we stop reading. Its going to occur as they continue to lord over us. The Adminiatration, and Van Hollen one its Biggest proponents will exact their penalty! We can get a glimpse into the future by seeing what Californias Jerry Brown, known as Moonbeam Jerry, by his detractors, has concocted. A letter penned by a number of his democrat state legislators warn the governors regulatory body of a ~15¢ per gallon increase in a gallon of fuel for drivers. And asked him to not implement the cap and trade measures there. Sixteen state Democratic lawmakers wrote a letter to the head of the California Air Resources Board earlier this month warning this could trigger a cost increase of roughly 15 cents per gallon of gasoline. Are these Washington career politicians oblivious to the pain they cause- The stolen opportunities they rob of families? A person spends more to get a more fuel efficient car, then, we are slapped in the face, because thats not enough. Its just not enough. Government wants more. What must we do for government to think we did enough? What will ever be enough. This reminds us of the abused child, that no matter how hard he tries he never meets the standards of a cruel parent. But we arent children. And we are tired of being abused. This cap and trade scheme is bad, its too costly, and even if applied maximally, it will not create the desired affect. It wont stop a rising sea, a concern felt by many to be dubious in the first place. It wont lower the temperature of what many argue is an already measurable cooling cycle. It will not stem the micro fractional increase in CO2. But we do know it will rob all of us of our hard earned money! And it is time that Van Hollens balanced approach stopped costing us our hard earned money! Every time he wants to balance things it involves taxing us more! And we have less to whats right by our selves and by our families, and by our community. So I am suggesting we scrap balance and start being fair to all of our Districts Families. We can not continue to see the rise of the needs of government while we destroy the opportunities we have of creating a better life for our selves and family. This election I need your help to end these dubiously concocted tax plans that are supposedly for our good, where we are very likely to find that it was Professor Erin Cory who had come up these lame-brained schemes in his crazy laboratory! It is time to get real: The American people are taxed enough already!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:08:10 +0000

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