One of my dearest friends lives in the Peak district in the UK and - TopicsExpress


One of my dearest friends lives in the Peak district in the UK and I have known her for years. I dont see her nearly as much as I would love to but every time I do, its as if we have never been apart. You will meet Jane in my book. I call her my deeply darkly flawed delicious friend and I mean that as a compliment and she laughs when I call her that. I dont ever want to be described as sweet or nice and I struggle with people that are all love and light...I wonder why we need to make judgements about light and dark as if they are either good or bad, why dont we simply accept that each has its gifts. Think of a photograph with only light, its not very interesting ,or a wine that was left to mature in the sun, or look at how spindly a seed grows when it hasnt germinated in the dark. At the same time if a seed, just about to burst through the soil and unfurl in the sunshine begins to examine how and why and what and whether it needs to heal that space where it had to struggle even harder to break the husk of the seed to grow,it may never ever reach the sunlight because it has to let go in order to grow! Whilst our dark times are profound and wonderful times to break down whats no longer needed and nurture new ideas, its not a place to bunker down and its just the same with the light. Everything in life cycles,if we let it. Every phase is valuable if we can allow ourselves to flow and let go. And I experience the same qualities in the friends I hold dear. I love my beautiful Jane,even though just like me, she is perfectly unperfect. And whilst I am aware that people may perceive me a certain way through the actions in my life,I am a lot more than the veneer. And whilst I am aware that I have a deeply compassionate,kind and loving side I ,just like my beloved Jane am deeply, darkly, yet deliciously flawed and I accept and honour all aspects of my divine self in the same way I honour the cycles of life. Today my three candles burn in my Trinity candle holder as I honour the equinox where everything is in balance. The journey through the shadows has been intense,much has been faced and dealt with and all my seeds have grown strong because I nurtured them well in the darkness. And now i feel a rush of energy within, like the sap moving within the branches of a tree, like the tides surging to the pull of the moon. I know my garden is growing well and I have much to feel excited about and I give thanks Blessings on this equinox,north and south,wherever you may be, journey well!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:20:03 +0000

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