One of the beautiful things about the Golden Dawn that I have come - TopicsExpress


One of the beautiful things about the Golden Dawn that I have come to love and find of great import is that it generally attracts free-thinkers. Because of this quality of many a GD mage we have been able to experience a veritable freedom of information that has become accessible through books, magazines, and the internet so that even the solitary practitioner can find a plethora of knowledge to support his spiritual path. On a side note, I do not believe that true spiritual paths are stagnant, but have the ability to grow and change in application with the development of society so as to stay pertinent to the contemporary spiritual seeker. Thus, I think that it is only natural that the fundamentals of the GD system have become available outside of the traditional Temple setting in the modern era. I have come to find throughout my time as a GD student and Adept that the summation of the effects of this freedom has resulted in more of a spiritual boon than a degradation to the Tradition. Honestly, this was not something I always believed, but as a scientist by trade I find the power of observation is quite effective in leading one beyond spiritual prejudice. It is said..."You know a tree by its fruits", and I have witnessed two things concerning this 1.) fundamentalism and isolation breeds hatred, contempt, and chaos 2.) tolerance and collaboration cultivates innovation, learning, and non-attachment. If one is to truly lead a spiritual life one must use the power of spiritual and intellectual observation to eliminate falsities in ones consciousness. If the techniques available to the public through books, articles and respectable sources are practiced correctly than one will benefit a great deal from these teachings and have the ability to gain the deeper knowledge they seek and develop true mental discrimination. Now that being said, I support whole-heartedly the joining of an Order and the use of initiation if available... and the hope is that the information that is readily available will encourage one to do so. Being a part of an Order with a functioning Temple/Temples not only allows one to receive feedback on their progress through a trusted mentor but accelerates growth through community, physical initiation, and access to information that is not publicly available. also warms my heart to know that the true Seeker almost anywhere in the world can have the ability to follow the Golden Dawn tradition even if a Temple or mentor is unavailable to them. flightofhermes.blogspot/2013/06/avete-foh-readers-i-am-pleased-to.html?m=1
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:10:50 +0000

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