One of the best displays of man the sinner and God the winner! It - TopicsExpress


One of the best displays of man the sinner and God the winner! It does not matter what religion you are claiming. The basic tenets of all of them is what you will witness in this video. Listen with your heart, and not with your head. If your heart gets it, then your head will follow. But if your heart does not grasp it. Your head does not stand a chance. In this video, man is wrestling with his Divine Conscious (God). He really does not see God, because he is fighting his demons. God is there at all times, reminding him of his Divine Presence. But ungrateful man continue his walk of shame, committing sin. Man is caught up in this worlds life. Playing God-Like but living Satan. Even worshipping on the day of the SUN GOD (sunday) and not the sabbath (saturday) (Bible teachings) The Roman Authorities corrupted the CHURCH of God with their many changes in scripture. King James dis-honored God with his corrupt interpretation of scripture. If the truth be told, and I think that I will tell it. The sabbath of the bible is not speaking of Saturday. It is speaking of the Day God rested from his works of the six days. That is one day for each year. So on the 7th thousand year God would cease from doing his work. (there are two gods here. one of righteous, and the other god wicked) It is in the 7th thousand year the God of righteousness will return to his throne. You cant blame the God of righteousness for the world we are presently living in. Yes, He permitted this world to exist, but His intentions were to destroy it on His return. So what you are seeing is His Blue Print for DESTRUCTION. Muslims and Christians are in the war of ARMAGEDDON. This is the final show down between Good and Evil. The wicked is on both sides of this war. But only one have the book that was never tampered with. That book is the Holy Quran. The Bible charges Gods prophets with all kinds of sins and crimes. But the Holy Quran exonerates them from the evil charged to them. There by allowing man to grow and develop sinless (providing you stay on Gods path) Listen up people. For the past six thousand years, (since Adam and Eve) this world have been in turmoil. Wars on wars, strife on strife. You name it, it has happened in these past six thousand years. But today God is present and making himself known through the teaching of the real truth of the scriputures. The Catholic Church (popes, cardinals, priest, etc) have together brought down the house of God. It has been and is the whore who got the entire world to drink from her cup of fornication. Cant you see, that this world does not belong to God, by no stretch of your wicked imagination? He (God of righteous) have not been in charge in your and my affairs. This is why we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. With the teachings of the Church, (MOSQUE, TEMPLES INCLUDED) All have been taught by the same Satan. This is why the world today is in the mess that it is in. The devils greatest teacher is his movies, and tel lievision. With these two tools of death. No one watching them can survive his wrath. Even those of you who dont watch t.v. or go to the movies. You live in a world that is corrupted 100%. So in your very bibles after King James Translation, you have been made impure as well. This is why the churches have so much evil going. It does not matter which denomination you attend. Lying, cheating, stealing is going on. The entire world is corrupt. Here is one other truth! whether you are Christian, Jew, or Muslim or other. If you believe in the ONE GOD and keep his tenets of faith, and put no other God before Him. Then you are ONE. No matter what you call yourself.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 10:58:22 +0000

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