One of the biggest lies that millions of black people have - TopicsExpress


One of the biggest lies that millions of black people have accepted is: Islam is a black mans religion. Thats a lie - Islam is not the original religion of the African people. Islam was started by a white man. Mohammed was a European. Islam was force upon Africans by fake Arabs. When those fake Arabs (Northern/Eastern Europeans) invaded North Africa they forced the religion that they received from Mohammed upon the Africans that they enslaved. If u didnt know fake Arabs enslaved Africans for thousands of years. And u want to convert to Islam. btw this is the same religion that President Obama serves which is Islam. Even today those fake Arabs in the Middle East still dont like Africans. There are many incidents & reports of brutality and discrimination against Africans by these wanna be Arabs. The God of the African people is the God of the Bible. The Bible is Gods written Word and a history book of the African people. Egyptians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, Jews, Canaanites, Ishmael, Lybians, etc. all had black skin and their history is recorded in the Bible. Here is proof: My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat. Job 30:30 Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine. Lam 5:10 Their visage is blacker than a coal; Lam 4:8 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. 6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: Song 1:5-6 Solomon, Samson, Ezekiel and Jesus, to name a few, all had dreadlocks. Jesus had black skin. Why would God send a white mother & father into an all black country called Egypt to hide a white baby? Jesus is not the false images (Cesare Borgia, Zeus, etc.) that white folks have portrayed in pics/movies. Black people were not introduced to the Bible... they wrote the Bible. The Bible is not a white mans book. The religion of the Bible is not Christianity. The religion of Christianity didnt exist when the Bible was written (by people with black skin). The religion of the Bible is Judaism not Christianity. The religion of Christianity was created by white people (Europeans) around 340 A.D. The religion of Christianity and a Christian are two different things. A Christian is a disciple of Christ. A Christian doesnt follow the religion of Christianity. Satan used Europeans to create the religion of Christianity to keep people from becoming Christians. Europeans are good at stealing... they stole our Egyptian history and made it white. They stole our Hebrew history and made it white (with those fake Jews in Israel today.) They store our Arab history and made it white with a tan. They stole our Bible history and made Abraham, David, Solomon, Christ, Paul, etc. white. The truth hurts but itll make ya free.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:15:07 +0000

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