One of the biggest questions I was ever asked, back during my - TopicsExpress


One of the biggest questions I was ever asked, back during my college days in Psychology, by my counselling-lecturer was: Would you rather be correct, or happy? At that time, I answered very surely of myself, To be correct, of course. Its many years later I realize that in choosing the need to be correct, I had also made a conscious choice to forsake happiness. And so in the years to come, guided by my inner-compass of right vs. wrong, I manifested job opportunities and situations which allowed me to be correct, and constantly challenged my fear of being wrong. Because thats what it is. If youre not correct -- you are wrong. In order to stay correct, you manifest situations that require you to fix and save. Because being a savior and master at fixing problems -- I would be able to retain my ability to be correct all the time. Each time you fix one problem, fix one person, the next broken person or problem appears. I did not realize at that time I was calling to it, a reality that resonated with my core beliefs and feelings. I manifested my own dramatic situations so that I could fix them and be correct. When I first started healing work as well, my mission was to repair people. One day I realized, if everyone needed fixing, does that mean I too am broken? If I see myself as a saviour and others as victims, am I also subscribing to the belief that I myself am a victim of something else? So I decided one day, lets try choosing happiness. I changed my choice to be aligned to happiness. No longer needing to be correct, I found that I was not required to prove myself to anyone. No one was actually interested. No one was judging. Then it dawned to me, I was trying to prove to MYSELF that I mattered. That I was good enough. That my existence meant something. That was what choosing to be correct means. That you have something to prove to the world. That you existence means something and that you are not just a waste of space. Now with nothing to prove anymore, I found that I had so much more time and energy to choose happiness every day. I had allowed myself to be free, allowed problems to fix themselves, and stopped manifesting dramatic situations into my life. In fact because my core was now actively seeking ways of being joyful I also understood gratitude and abundance. It is not something you MASTER, but it is something you ALLOW, because they occur NATURALLY. Being joyful is natural to the soul. Being grateful is also a natural instinct of the soul. Receiving abundance and divine support is also natures law of providing for its children. Its all natural and automatic, and the secret is in allowing. When we are too caught-up trying to be correct, needing to prove our high intelligence, we shut-off the possibility of being happy, being grateful, and being abundant. We deflect all blessings provided by the Universe, because we are busy being correct. Wars between our brothers and sisters is the ultimate manifestation of needing to be correct. Each believes himself/herself as being unheard, unacknowledged, and how dare you reject me, and we will wage war to prove this point. What it means is this: I will hurt you because I am hurting too So I ask myself again (and I do so as a reminder to myself): Am I ready to choose happiness? Am I prepared to put my pride down to choose happiness? Do I still need to prove to myself that my existence matters? Do I still reject myself and subsequently see others as rejecting me? Do I need to hurt others to prove that I am hurting? I did not know it then, but by finally choosing happiness, I had also allowed myself to be free. And it is only by being free I understood my higher purpose. I had allowed it to unfold unknowingly. When you are a sapling, you cannot imagine how you will become a great tree. You insist you are that sapling, or a leaf, or that singular flower. But the Universe had always intended for you to become a great tree, and you were meant for a thousand flowers, if only you did not insist you were correct in being that sapling. SN
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:08:45 +0000

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