One of the concerns noted about the outcome of this election was - TopicsExpress


One of the concerns noted about the outcome of this election was the low voter turnout of 77%, the third-lowest in 120 years and only slightly higher than the worst ever at the previous election. I see some commentators have slammed those who didnt turn up to polling booths, with one newspaper columnist rather sanctimoniously suggesting they be herded into a container ship and pushed over the side somewhere in the Ross Sea. Well, I understand that there will always be a proportion of the public who are too lazy or apathetic, but it is interesting how the turnouts in the previous century were a lot higher, especially in the 1960s. Its also worth noting how politicians in that period were held in quite a higher regard than they are today. Especially when you consider the Dirty Politics revelations, its obvious the main reason why 23% of enrolled citizens didnt vote is because they resented having to tick two boxes so that someone could earn at least $147,000 of taxpayers money a year for the next three years bickering with other politicians whose views they dont agree with, or indulging in petty point-scoring. You only have to watch a session of Question Time following a scandal to see how disgraceful the behaviour is on both sides of the House. And although the government has the support of about half the voting population, I cant see the culture of politics improving at all next term - it will probably be even worse. But Im also thinking that the media today isnt helping. While I totally agree its our job to bring misconduct to the publics attention, I think that in recent times theres been too much focus on the smear campaigns and character assassinations that politicians always indulge in, and political journalists seem to revel in the conflict that comes about whenever theres a scandal that would embarrass an MP or even ruin his or her career (as it always pulls in more viewers and readers). Id like to know what you think about the medias approach to politics, in light of the voter turnout. Do you think we should continue to focus on - and continue to allow politicians and their strategists to manipulate us into focusing on - the negative aspects of politics, or do you think we need to steer more towards highlighting the good things they do and ignoring the shenanigans?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:56:39 +0000

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