One of the last conversations my dad and I had was on Friday July - TopicsExpress


One of the last conversations my dad and I had was on Friday July 10th around noon. We were watching a national geographic special on the universe, space travel and different theories on how it all came to be. We loved getting into deep conversations about all sorts of stuff but this specific topic provided the two of us with countless intellectual conversations and debates that were brought up regularly. That particular day as we were watching that program i said hey dad, if somebody from nasa just came up to the trailer door, knocked and asked us if we would be willing to enlist for an expedition to the edge of the universe on a State-of-the-art space shuttle that flies faster than the speed of light, equipped with everything wed need to survive comfortably. The only catch is we would never be able to return back to our home planet But they would make the rest of our family millionaires in return. Would you do it with me?. Almost instantly my dad says oh hell yeah i would and then we talked about everything we would need such as hydroponic gardens, every movie and song ever made on a couple of hard drives, etc. We got into the truck and after further discussion of our one way interstellar trip to the end of the universe he dropped me off at the bus station to bring me to new York, little did i know that would be the last time i saw my dad alive. I returned the following Monday night and i swear it was storming like a full on hurricane. Halfway to my apartment it all stopped like a switch had been flipped. When the rain stopped the sky was full of crazy colors and Colossal clouds twisting and swirling around. Then the clouds gave way to the clearest, most colorful and beautiful rainbow Id ever seen from one side of the horizon to the other. A second rainbow even appeared along the perimiter of the first one. I texted my aunt telling her It looks like the world is coming to an end right in front of me... (Im pretty sure the pictures and video is still up on my page.) I hadnt thought much of it till now but i believe that was the moment my father passed away and he put on one hell of a show to say Im going to take that trip to the edge of the universe alone... BUT look what i can do now! My father always did enjoy being the center of attention and having the last laugh. Now hes got control of the damn weather... *Morale of the story... were all screwed.*
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:06:16 +0000

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