One of the most frustrating but necessary lessons that we each - TopicsExpress


One of the most frustrating but necessary lessons that we each must learn is that life is not fair but God is. In order to make sense of the very real prosperity and ease that the wicked can and do experience in this life, we must come to have an eternal perspective. Surely, we have all sensed frustration and maybe even grew bitter for a time when we see someone get away with wrong. How irritating it is when justice is not served and the righteous suffer when in fact it should have been the wicked who were dealt the blow of justice. Yet, it is not always the case in this life and in this very fallen and imperfect world in which we live that justice is always served. Sometimes, life is not fair, and justice is not served. This is not how it should be, and it is not what a society should seek. However, unfairness and injustice does happen. The key for us as believers is how we respond to such situations. Of course, we should do our part to stand for truth and justice, but sometimes our calls, prayers, and petitions will go unheeded. Sometimes the wicked "get away with" their sin, at least in this life. So then what? ............ do what we can to be and promote justice but more importantly, trust God to make all things just, fair, and right in the end. Romans 2:6 says that God “WILL RENDER TO EACH PERSON ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS. ”Let us not be ignorant but remember that the eternal judgment of God is altogether fair.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 02:40:43 +0000

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