One of the things thats been weighing on my mind heavily these - TopicsExpress


One of the things thats been weighing on my mind heavily these days is racism. The other day I had someone see a pic of me and say whose the black girl, with the face what bothered me was including a race not them calling me black. First of all why? Why must people continue to pick apart other people based on race. How can the color of my skin determine anything about me. my grandpa was raised in Indiana where the kkk started and was apart of that whole era. And never once did he look at another mans skin an think he was different then him and my grandpa is 100% white. Never once did he think that he was better or worse then anybody based on color. At a time when racism was acceptable my grandpa never accepted it. So whats your excuse. Are people still that ignorant. For the record I am Filipino Hawaiian an white, but I have little brothers and sisters who are half black so yes when you use ignorant words it offends me and even if I didnt have family that was black that still offends me! Ive dated every single race you can think of black, white, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Armenian and let me tell you they are all douche bags. Im jk but really I love people I love people based on what they say, the way they think, the diversity, I love people for who they are not what they are. I had someone break up with me because they thought I was black and their family didnt approve of that. I dont get how anyone can be against love regardless of what skin colors are involved not that we were even in love or were anywhere near that but still. Im not just here to defend one race Im here to defend all races. Mexicans I see and hear people bad mouth Hispanics ALL the time. Im sorry but that is the most hardworking race they dont ask for money they ask can they work for their money. People say oh theyre white trash.. Sorry but there is trash in every race an its not because of their race but because of the way they talk, they way they present themselves. I have nothing against any race because I see beauty in every single person regardless of what they are. If youre ignorant enough to say you dislike someone or think theyre ugly or whatever else based on skin I am so sorry to inform you but you are the ugly one not them. Racism is an ugly and embarrassing thing and you should be ashamed of yourself. I love what I am and I am more then proud to represent it. But Im here to represent everyone like bob marley said I am not black or white I am a child of God I am one love. So open your eyes to the love that surrounds you regardless of somebodys image. Im so sick of judge mental ass people so what if that person is heavier then you, so what if that persons skin color is darker or lighter then yours, so what If that person isnt your idea of perfect because there Is no such thing as a perfect person inside or out. I have been guilty of being dumb an saying things about other people but more then anything I wish I could take those things back but here I am realizing how ignorant I actually was. And I apologize to those people. Spread the love people, love people for diversity thats what makes this world so beautiful the melting pot of cultures. Anyway just had to rant some more. Love you guys have a happy Saturday.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:20:30 +0000

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