One of the things we should avoid as proud students of Fort Hare - TopicsExpress


One of the things we should avoid as proud students of Fort Hare is to fight against each other. We should avoid a situation whereby we forget the main enemy which is management. The management is trying by all means to divide us as students of Legends University. The finance and residence system is frustrating us and management is making the problems worse by the way they do things. We have noticed a situation whereby students are removed from their rooms for those who registered. We have noticed a situation whereby wardens seem to be more powerful in terms of allocations. The way finance and residence staff is communicating with students leave a lot to be desired. The seriously dont care about us. The character of students must not determine if ever a student get a residence or not. Academic excellence is the only criteria that must be used to allocate students. It cant be that students are allocated by wardens in terms of how the behave. For that matter they are useless on residences. They just occupy space and loot money of students. We do not need them in residences. My plea to the students of UNIVERSITY OF LEGENDS. * if a student is allocated to your room please dont chase that student violently if theres a way accommodate a student temporarily until the matter is fixed. * The allocation system used by the management seek to divide the students, lets refuse to fight among ourselves. * The only enemy that we are facing is the management, lets be united and treat each other with respect. In that way even if management is trying by all mean to divide us it wont succeed. We are facing challenging times, which needs good timing and dedication and unity. This affect all students thats why regardless of political affiliations (DASO, ANCYL, SASCO, PASMA etc), it is important to work together. My plea to the SRC of University of Legends. (As per Mass meeting resolutions) * We have signed agreement forms with NSFAS, they agreed to pay our fees, it is high time they perform the duty. Please SRC engage Finance to unblock every student who is under finance. Why some students debts are cleared some are not? * SRC must make sure that the Finance is audited bcos most of the students dont know why they owe finance, they errors caused by finance must not make us suffer. Someone must pay in that department. * You need to make sure that finance department employ staff that are willing the children of the working class, thet way finance address students leave a lot be desired. * SRC must make sure that allocation does not continue, The system of allocation must start afresh. Senior students must go back to their rooms as usual, then start allocation. We need a new residence as usual. * The current allocation of students must STOP now NOW NOW, till residence manager work haNd in hand with students. *Dean of students and Residence manager must resign. * Wardens are USELESS we dont need them. * Hiring of matrons must be done with immediate effect. * We need proper communication, constantly of what is happening in the SRC. Without information, we are clueless The current system that is frustrating the students. What we dont want to see is a situation whereby students strike against SRC and forget the management. We dont want to blame you for the problems we are facing. We want you to be resolute in fighting the needs of students. We need to see change. If you cant execute the resolutions of the mass meeting, tell the students, we have seniors and former SRC members that can assist. The existence of these leaders must not threaten our government ...Aluta Continua... We are all striving to maintain a Fort Hare that is well respected. To the first years it must not seem as if Fort Hare is good on paper. We need to give them a best society as ever. University of Fort Hare depends on us. Fort Hare must be home for children of the poor. What we cannot afford is to keep bringing theories and problems to students. We need practicality, We need implementation of our resolutions. Students voice must be respected. We want education, thats the only tool to liberate us poor students. Lets unite as we fight for success. Thank you ***Webafundi Manyanani***
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:33:00 +0000

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