One year ago I struggled with pretty much every aspect of my life. - TopicsExpress


One year ago I struggled with pretty much every aspect of my life. My health was the worst it had ever been, my weight was the highest it had ever been, my self-worth and self-esteem were the lowest they had ever been, and I just really didnt care about life anymore. I was taking narcotic pain meds, muscle relaxers, prescribed opiates, anti-depressants, acid reflux meds, and anti-inflammatories, for a combination of health issues. All of the medications caused weight gain and drowsiness, so I was pretty much a zombie all the time. I didn’t really have any emotions to deal with because they were so covered over and squished down by all of the meds. My self-esteem has, for many years, been tied to my weight (for too many mind numbing reasons I won’t get into right now because you might need a therapist by the time I got done!). I think I thought that if I could lose some weight I might start to feel something again, not even realizing it was all the medications that had me so numb. So when I started Yoli in March of 2014 it was to lose weight. I didn’t expect anything else besides that, and honestly I didn’t even expect it to work for that. Ok, maybe I expected 5 to 10 lbs in the 30 days because that’s what I always got when I did Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Slimfast, garcinia cambogia, hydroxycut………I could go on, and on, and on, I have done so many of them. I had done exercising too, including Farrell’s extreme body shaping for 10 weeks (and only lost 5 lbs), but with fibromyalgia and scoliosis that about killed me because there was never any recovery time for my body! But there was something so different about Yoli. At first it was a little bit of increased energy, my body not hurting quite so much, my brain fog (fibro fog) clearing a little bit. And then all those things increased a little bit more and I wasn’t struggling to get out of bed in the morning, and I could bend over without pushing on my gut and making it feel like I was going to throw up from that one simple act of bending over. I felt lighter. I felt……good! So I did lose weight and inches, 50 lbs and 60.25 inches in 6 months. I also lost all of the medication in 3 months. I also lost my smoking habit! After 35 years of smoking and trying to quit soooo many times, I stopped. That was almost 6 months ago and I’m still smoke free. But you know what? I found so much more than I lost! I found something that worked. I found something that made it easy to get my body healthy. I found my self-esteem and my self-worth! I found my smile. I found my emotions again. Sometimes it’s really hard to keep them in check because I haven’t had to deal with them for so long, but it’s a work in progress! I found a new career in sharing health with others. I found friendships and a family I never would have known without Yoli. I found a company and products that I can believe in and want to share with others, because everyone should feel this good! Yoli has a saying, BLP – everyone wants to Belong, to be Loved, and to have a Purpose. Yoli gives you all 3! But there is something else that I found that I really didn’t realize was missing. As I look back over this last year I know now that this is the reason I have been on this particular journey. In a round-about way Yoli has led me back to God. And it started with Robby Fender ending the video with ‘God Bless’. Those two little words, at a time when I was so low, gave me hope. And through my beautiful friend Jackie, who introduced me to Yoli, we have found a church home and a church family, all because she happened to get dance lessons for Christmas, but that’s another story. Let’s just say that to look back at everything that has happened, and connecting all the dots, I can’t help but be in awe of the way God has worked in my life. I have re-dedicated my life to Christ and look forward to each new day and what it will hold. I continue to share Yoli not only because I want to help others get healthy and feel good, but because it just might be the answer to someone else’s prayers too.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:43:01 +0000

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