One year ago today we lost a very close family friend, our - TopicsExpress


One year ago today we lost a very close family friend, our precious Pam Riemcke Finn Elder. Although it doesnt seem possible that its been that long. Today has been a rough day, as I expected. I took Kaden to Cedar Valley Hospice, and spent time in the room where Pam spent 2 of her final weeks. She was on her death bed at the hospital, we all were prepared to say goodbye any day. But Pam did NOT want to go out that way!!! Its Hospice that made her will herself strong enough to be moved from the hospital, to a room at the Hospice Home, totally against all odds. It was her time and care at Hospice Home that helped make her strong enough to come back to her real home, for her final 2.5 weeks. When she was here in Waterloo at Hospice, Kaden road his bike to see her everyday after school. He read to her, helped her with her oxygen (that she liked to remove! lol), made her laugh, played guitar for her and sang to her at Hospice, at her home, and at her funeral. Hospice home holds very powerful memories for us. Kaden Karns has decided to kick off a personal fundraising campaign today to raise the $1,000 necessary to buy a memorial brick with Pams name on it and he also asked if theyd add, Turn Up the Music and Dance He got the information on how to donate in someones memory while at hospice today and told them hed be back with lots of money in a month! More details of how he is planning to raise the money will be released in the next few days. Im so very proud of him for wanting to do this. Kadens effort for Pams Memorial at Hospice will culminate with him doing something big and unexpected, so stay tuned for a somewhat shocking announcement this Monday! Our lives were touched forever by this amazing woman. Pam, we all love you and miss you so much! Keep dancing up there.... until the day when we will dance together again! Heres to Us!!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 02:59:13 +0000

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