One young girl just lost her life. Please pray for her. In a - TopicsExpress


One young girl just lost her life. Please pray for her. In a terrain of a government where such disrespect of citizens prevail. And where the public isnt allowed to sit and ask for justice. If you look up at the definition of DEMOCRACY you might get to see that its being elected fairly and by the consent of all the people. An area where the supreme court exists, where the parliament exists, where the constitution foundation exists has been named Red Zone. So where do they expect the general public to go and ask for justice and demand the right answers? Blaming the two leaders of this Dharna for the deaths of the supporters and justice seekers is very easy. Yes. Asking why the leaders are hidden in bullet proof cars is also easy. Yes. Blame away call them fools and idiots for coming up with the initiative of clean and fair investigation WITHOUT the involvement of a CORRUPT, DISHONEST, SELFISH,ANPAR, RIGGED, JAHIL, VULGAR Sharif family. Blame the people for standing up the right cause. For standing up against injustice and for standing up against rigging. But then dont forget that tomorrow when your lands are taken away through fraud, your sisters and mothers are raped by some top official ka gang, when ur rights are ignored and the gunda trend is encouraged then please donnot expect justice because you are currently in the process of destroying the people that are fighting to bring down the system of Gunda Democracy. If the deaths of these people at the hands of your pathetic government lead by the largest fraudulent Sharif brother family doesnt move you. And how Chaudhry Nisar barked about saving constitution without being sorry for the deaths and injuring of people then Im sorry but humanity and sense has failed you. I belong to a family with high profile army officers and diplomats anD MYSELF BEING A STUDENT OF International Relations and I with a sane mind say that THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU CALL SAVING DEMOCRACY and THIS IS IN NO WAY THE RIGHT OF A SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT TO SAVE THEIR OWN ASSESS. THIS IS A CRIME! A MURDER TO SAVE YOUR OWN FAULTS AND TRUE FACE!!! To hell with this government and to hell with this misinterpreted constitution! May you all die in the most horrible way so that people see and fear the fate of a terrorist and ass saving government and rot in hell. Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:37:09 +0000

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