One’s own experience is, of course, most dependable of - TopicsExpress


One’s own experience is, of course, most dependable of experiences. It will generate cautiousness, fortify faith, stimulate spiritual effort, and bring God nearer. The saints have advised us time and again, but do we feel the same pressing need for God which they felt? As we go about our daily business of life, do we think of God as an essential requirement? If we reflect on our own life, we find that we have grown to the present age, have had education, obtained employment or set up business, married and got children, acquired a house, property, furniture, and other amenities of pleasure and recreation, and so on; and yet there is something that we think we lack, something that we desire. Is this desire ever going to end? It is impossible to predict how much would suffice for a man to secure contentment. On the other hand, if we learn to be contended with what we have, we will always have enough. Discourses by Shri Mahraj (8th March)
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:46:00 +0000

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