Only What You Do For Christ Will Last! Various Scriptures If you - TopicsExpress


Only What You Do For Christ Will Last! Various Scriptures If you were to ask the goals of the average, everyday individual, most of them would answer with something temporal—save a “nest egg” for retirement, get a better job, build a “dream home,” buy a new car, find a life mate…When was the last time that you heard anyone (Christians of course) communicate spiritual goals in every day conversation—get closer to God, win more souls to the kingdom, give more to support ministry…As Christians, we must remember to prioritize God’s Kingdom above and before anything else (Matthew 6:33). Remember the following as it relates to worldly goals: -You may build a beautiful house, but eventually it will crumble -You may develop a fine career, but one day it will be over -You may save a great sum of money, but you can’t take it with you -You may be in superb health today, but in time it will decline -You may take pride in your accomplishments, but someone will surpass you Paul’s exhortation to the church is to, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. “ (Colossians 3:2) As you go through today and this season, remember that, “Only What You Do For Christ Will Last!” Let’s Pray: “Father, we pray that You’ll help us to remember that we’ll prioritize our lives for kingdom building, in Jesus’ Name, amen.”
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:12:53 +0000

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