Operation Fed Before Bed Ministry could use your prayers. I talked - TopicsExpress


Operation Fed Before Bed Ministry could use your prayers. I talked to the Mayor today and the City Attorney doesnt have my paperwork drawn up yet and if it isnt drawn up and signed by Tuesday, we will have to serve from a Pavilion in the Park until its drawn up, signed and Notarized. I also want everyone to help me pray and ask God for our own DEBT FREE building so we know we have somewhere to serve from without worrying about whether or not the building will be available. Dont get me wrong, Im very Thankful for them allowing us to use the Community Center, but theres just a lot of liability issues that go along with it. Once we have our own Facility, we wont have to deal with that. I would love for God to provide The Heritage House building and if He sees fit, He will provide a way. For now, Thank you, Father God, for the Volunteers youve sent to provide food for Tuesday, June 10th and for the future Volunteers as well as the funds we need to make this Ministry a huge success and be able to eventually expand into other areas. While Im sending up THANKS, Ill go ahead and thank You for the Building You, already have picked out for us and in Your time, will allow us to occupy Your building and serve You by serving others. Thank You, Father for every Blessings youve given us. Thank you for every person who will step up and be the Hands and Feet of Christ and last but not least, thank you for the ones who You, Lord will send for us to Minister to whether its a simple smile, a kind word, praying with them or just by easing the pain of hunger through a loving meal. Sometimes silence and a filled plate speaks the loudest to a hungry soul. Father, I cant thank You enough for filling my heart with the love and compassion I have for others. I ask that You, Father, give each of us the Wisdom we need to make the decisions we have to make each day and that You, will provide every need. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 03:40:04 +0000

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