Operation Save Ethiopia July 14, 2014 by Robele Ababya, 23 - TopicsExpress


Operation Save Ethiopia July 14, 2014 by Robele Ababya, 23 July 2012 A. Tragedy of wrong premise The Marxist-Leninist League of Tigray (MLLT), in political jargon, died right from its formation on a wrong premise at the wrong time and wrong place in non-industrialized Tigray – the cradle of Ethiopian Civilization unbreakably linked to Zenawi’s hate-name, Ethiopia; at the wrong place for communism also because Tigray is a citadel of Orthodox Tewahido Christian faith.TPLF, the Marxist-Leninist League of Tigray (MLLT) There is no point now to run the gamut of the heinous crimes of the TPLF regime, which manifested its exclusivity from day one of capturing Addis Ababa; similarly there is no use counting the numerous tragic failures of opposition entities to discern the exclusivity of the brutal kleptocratic regime under the guise of EPRDF but clearly dominated by extremist hardliners within the TPLF in all these years. It would therefore be prudent to admit the capacity and capability of deception, pathological lies, manipulation, committing despicable crimes characterizing the top TPLF leadership. The time now is to act on the basis of mountains of irrefutable atrocious damages perpetrated by TPLF and act in unison to launch “Operation Save Ethiopia” giving less emphasis to the saga of speculations about the health of Zenawi for the time being. In case of demise of the tyrant, I should add to the above that my worst fear is that the thugs will stage a huge funeral and order a period of mourning with flag hoisted at half-mast in all the regions of apartheid Ethiopia; even more my painful nightmare is that they would erect a golden monument of the tyrant at Adwa thus desecrating the revered ground hallowed with the blood and lives of our ancestors – hailing from all corners of Ethiopia – in two major wars with Italy. The title “Operation Save Ethiopia” certainly comprises a set of complex activities that cannot be covered in this brief piece of writing meant to serve as a reminder of main principles developed and applied by scholars in the art of war. Here below is my submission. B. Element of surprise The tyrant Zenawi that once boasted he could storm the heaven was shaken and visibly frightened on hearing the ever memorable bombastic voice of Abebe Gelaw repeatedly demanding Freedom before food at the meeting of world leaders and dignitaries chaired by President Obama at the Regan Building in Washington on 18 May 2012. Zenawi was obviously demoralized as evidenced by his photographs and failure to show up in public and more importantly missing the AU meeting in Addis Ababa. That was a classic example of surprise attack that gave Ethiopians a generous huge harvest lifting their morale and rousing us into action all over the world – at home and in the Diaspora. That surprise attack without a single live bullet fired out of the barrel of a gun constituted a quantum jump raising our struggle to a new height. Therefore the element of surprise is important in the next series of peaceful civil strike acts. Sun Su said: “In practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy is not so good. So, too, it is better to capture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.” And concluded: “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking enemy’s resistance without fighting.” Vide, The Art of War by Sun Tzu – Translated by Lionel Giles – page 87. So, the strategy for “Operation Save Ethiopia” should be built on the premise of capturing “enemy resources in tact without a single shot being fired. After all these resources belong to the Ethiopian people. C. Symbiotic cooperation The repressive regime must accede to demands of the Ethiopian people, including relinquishing power and unfettered freedom of expression, in accordance with their diktat expressed in no uncertain terms. In order to enforce the demands referred to above, opposition forces and civil societies committed to struggle within the framework of civil disobedience should call their respective supporters to revolution squares throughout the country. The current crackdown on the legitimate demand of Ethiopian Muslims, the onslaught of Christian Holy sites such as Waldiba, Ziquala Monastery, et al have set the stage for calling massive demonstration. Communications, Command and Control mechanism is indispensable to the overall guidance of the situation by consensus. There is nothing that would preclude the peaceful component in all-inclusive struggle from participating in the envisioned massive civil disobedience; chances are that it is doing it already. The other component including armed struggle should come to defend peaceful demonstrators if and only if the TPLF thugs pull the trigger first to kill the innocent demonstrators in cold blood as usual. This my humble and sincere suggestion with all due respect to all concerned. D. Ethiopian & Egyptian examples of popular uprising The Aklilu Cabinet resigned in 1974 without a single shot being fired due to wide spread unrest and popular demand. The Egyptians converged on Tahrir Square in Cairo, city squares in Alexandria et al and have now a president elected for the first time in seven thousand years of their history. Why can’t we Ethiopians do the same? The answer is YES WE CAN! E. Recent Calls for Action: 1) I note with delight the following excerpts taken from the OLF enshrined in its Press Release dated and signed by General Kamal Gelchuu :- • “We angrily recall the recent woyyanne federal police massacre at Asassaa, Arsi, Oromia, on the Muslims who were assembled to pray in mosque. The July 13, 2012, massacre in Addis Ababa against Ethiopian Muslims is a continuation of Asassaa’s massacre.” • “These blatant human rights violation against Ethiopian Muslims in particular and the Ethiopian people in general should be condemned by all peoples of the world.” • “As long as Woyanne’s minority dictatorial regime controls Ethiopia, one would not expect freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom of press. The solution out of this tyranny is for all Ethiopian people, Muslims, Christians and waaqqefata (believers in Oromo traditional religion) to conduct all round struggle against minority woyyanne regime. The struggle is not only about freedom of religion. It should be a struggle to get rid of woyyanne minority government that has engaged in terrorizing the Ethiopian people to cling in power.” • “The Oromo Liberation Front takes this opportunity to call upon all opposition groups to coordinate a unified struggle against woyanne regime and create Ethiopia where its nations, nationalities and peoples live in peace and prosperity.” 2) MEDREK, which has recently transformed itself to a front adding an “F” to its acronym, has called on the repressive EPRDF party for dialogue on the current situation. Well done MEDREKF for your responsible gesture symbolizing political maturity. But I doubt that the repressive EPRDF party will respond to your call in the face of its current nervous state of mind. The next move for MEDREKF in all probability would be to play a key role in the massive uprising for which the brutal ruling regime is to blame. 3) The Ethiopian National Youth Movement (ENYM) has issued a strong passionate emergency call to the effect of relieving the brutal ruling regime of its evil duties strictly by means of peaceful struggle. I am positive that the Ethiopian people, parents and the seven civic organizations addressed will listen to their plea to unseat the regime. F. Foreign input In the aftermath of election 2005 I wrote an article titled “Ethiopians have only God and themselves”. I produce a couple of extracts below:- “When asked, what legal authority he had to by-pass the Parliament and declare a state of emergency, Meles responded by saying that, after all, the donors did not object to the action he took. His response is solid proof, among others, that the monstrous killer is subservient to the interests of the donors at the expense of the vital interests of poor Ethiopia. Donors are cunning actors who alienate African Leaders from their peoples by corrupting, blackmailing, and turning them into greedy dictators so that they will have no choice but obey the orders of neocolonialists.” I then wrote in closing: “Therefore I strongly believe that the only choice for us Ethiopians is to remove the traitor from power through intensified and concerted peaceful struggle. The choice of the Ethiopian people at the polls of 15 May 2005 must be upheld and sustained. For the arduous and noble struggle ahead, Ethiopians, given the past and present bitter experiences of our country, should realize that they have only their God and themselves to score victory over tyranny and abject poverty plaguing the people of our motherland.” G. Conclusion 1. Element of surprise produces best results in any struggle; it is recommended to read the book “Art of War” by Sun Tzu in detail. Vide paragraph B above. Most of people believe the action by Abebe as priceless gift from heaven. 2. The call of three opposition entities mentioned at paragraph E above is for regime change. 3. Symbiotic cooperation mentioned at paragraph C above has in my humble opinion significant value 4. I repeat my passionate plea to the army, security forces and law enforcement agencies to be on the side of the people. 5. It would be foolhardy to expect positive input from Western donors, the UN or AU. 6. As the saying goes hit the iron while it is hot! TPLF is damaged beyond repair because it started on a wrong premise, vide paragraph A above. 7. Let us act at this propitious moment in unison and give the bastard thugs a blow with our coordinated civil strife at home and demonstrations abroad – and the killer thugs will disgracefully fall. 8. The ongoing crackdown on Ethiopian Muslims has elevated the issue to a national Agenda. 9. It pays to rely on ESAT & all pro-Ethiopia media outlets! LONG LIVE ETHIOPIA!!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:33:28 +0000

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