Options Hillbilly Recipes. shared a photo. Hillbilly Recipes - TopicsExpress


Options Hillbilly Recipes. shared a photo. Hillbilly Recipes Ger­man Cucum­ber Salad Ingre­di­ents 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt 1 cucum­ber 1 medium to large tomato 2 slices onion (slice like you would for onion rings) 2–4 tsp lemon juice 1/2 — 3/4 tsp dill Pinch of salt Instruc­tions Peel and slice your cucum­ber, slice your tomato, and slice your onion. I like to slice, then quar­ter the onion because its eas­ier to eat. In a bowl, com­bine dill and salt. Add sour cream or yogurt and lemon juice to taste. Mix well. Add onion, cucum­ber, and tomato to the mix­ture and stir until the veg­gies are coated with the dressing.. Hillbilly Recipes Ger­man Cucum­ber Salad Ingre­di­ents 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt 1 cucum­ber 1 medium to large tomato 2 slices onion (slice like you would for onion rings) 2–4 tsp lemon juice 1/2 — 3/4 tsp dill Pinch of salt Instruc­tions Peel and slice your cucum­ber, slice your tomato, and slice your onion. I like to slice, then quar­ter the onion because its eas­ier to eat. In a bowl, com­bine dill and salt. Add sour cream or yogurt and lemon juice to taste. Mix well. Add onion, cucum­ber, and tomato to the mix­ture and stir until the veg­gies are coated with the dressing.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:42:04 +0000

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